Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Two Turtle Doves

I'm sorry I haven't been around much recently, I have been suffering from some rather nasty headaches.  As some of you may know, I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration a couple of years back and I think my eyesight is beginning to get worse, especially with the reduced light that Autumn is bringing and spending time looking at a screen is straining them.  I have decided to drastically reduce my screen time and so I will not be visiting everyone's blogs as much, I will still be making cards and posting on my blog but will just limit my time on social media and commenting - I hope you all understand if I don't visit you as much as usual.

This is another card that I have created with my recently purchased First Edition The Twelve Days of Christmas collection.

I have used three of the papers and a topper, this time I used cream card stock to layering everything on and fussy cut a couple of doves from one of the other topper sheets.

Thank you for popping in today, please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



meg said...

Sorry to read that the headaches have worsened Pauline,I hope reducing your screen time helps.A beautiful card in gorgeous non traditional colours

dutchess said...

Beautiful card Pauline…a very masculine colour scheme…love the doves.
Sorry to hear about the worsening headaches…and hope less screen time helps,I have had to have daylight strip lights put in my craft room,kitchen and bathrooms as my eyesight has gotten worse, the things getting older brings..it’s not fair…take care xxxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

this is so beautiful Pauline

gr karin

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Good morning Pauline. Sorry to hear about your headaches. Yes limiting the time looking at small screens will help. I do it at times when my eyes are being naughty. Take care, Kym xxx

kiwimeskreations said...

Wow - this is beautiful Pauline.
Sorry to hear the MD is causing problems, and I certainly understand - DH suffered from MD in both eyes, and despite the care and treatment of the medical system, it gradually got worse.
Stay safe

Lee said...

Hi so sorry to read about the headaches,of course you are doing the right thing.I love your gorgeous card.xx

nwilliams6 said...

Hoping the headaches go away soon, Pauline! I totally undertand about you not being able to do the commenting you do (which is a lot btw). Many hugz and thoughts sent your way, my friend.

Your card is lovely. I love the white and craft. A great layered and designed sketch too. Love it!


Rainey's Craft Room said...

A beautiful layout using these gorgeous papers.
I hope the headaches recede when you reduce your screen time and that you feel better soon.

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card and papers Pauline.Sorry to hear about your headaches and eyesight getting worse,hope reducing screen time helps
Carol x

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I love your card Pauline, beautiful papers and as always a super design.

I'm sorry to hear about your headaches and fully understand that less screen time could help. I think we all like the comments, but sometimes they can be considerable, as much as we would like to keep up with them all, you are wise to cut back, your eyesight is the more important.
Faith x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Sorry to read about your headaches and health condition Pauline but pleased that you've had chance to make this lovely card. You take care of yourself and don't worry about commenting on my blog, you just make the most of your crafting time, that's more important xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Sorry to hear about your headaches and quite understand. I am slowly trying to catch up as am recovering. Lovely card

Ans Gilbert said...

So sorry to hear about your headaches and your eye problem..
You made such a pretty Christmas card, with the beautiful papers and turtle doves..

cuilliesocks said...

Sorry to hear about your worsening headaches Pauline, you must do as your advised and lessen your screen time, and not worry about commenting, your eyes are so precious.
Your card is lovely, beautiful papers and a lovely topper, take care, Kate x

Anonymous said...

Pauline love your card sorry to hear you are suffering with headaches let’s hope reducing screen time helps. Love Alison x

Carol S. said...

Pauline, I am so sorry that you are having horrible head aches. They are so exhausting. You must put your health first and don't overdo, looking at peoples blogs on a screen.
Love your card and love seeing your makes.
Take care and hugs, Carol S.xxxx

Fikreta said...

its so wonderful!

aussie aNNie said...

Beautiful card Pauline and oh I do hope your eyesight is not deteriorating at all and just 'a fever'. xx

Carol L said...

This card has me singing that Christmas song once again, very pretty! You must take care of those eyes, so limit your screen time and take care of yourself first and foremost.

Dawn Phillips said...

I hope you feel better soon Pauline. Love Dawn x

Sarah said...

Sorry to read that your MD is causing headaches Pauline. Please do not fret about not commenting or visiting, as long as you continue to share your gorgeous inspirational creations, we are happy!! Wishing you better days ahead xx

Brenda in IN said...

I am so sorry to hear about your eyes and headaches. Please take care of yourself and rest. I always enjoy coming by and seeing your lovely cards and this one is a treat. Don't worry about coming to visit until you are ready but I'm so glad you are able to keep crafting.

Bunny said...

You just keep creating and don't worry about commenting. It's not worth having bad health and hurting the eyes. [Bunny]

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Pauline I am so sorry that you are suffering I think you will be doing the right thing reducing your time on the computer but I am so glad that you will still be making your cards, I hope that I am not being selfish but I do love seeing your work, this card is another wonderful festive make, the doves the papers and colours are superb, take care
lorraine x

Valerija said...

Gorgeous colours and card.
Valerija xx

Jane Savage said...

Such a gorgeous layered look with that fabulous kraft card, Pauline!
So sorry to hear you've been struggling with headaches as a migraine sufferer I completely understand and reducing screen time can be a big help. Take care and hope you feel the benefits soon. xx

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

So sorry to read about your MD problems Pauline, I can quite understand your wanting to cut down on your screen time. Such a beautiful card,

Sue xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

So so sorry for your eyes, Pauline! Surely you have to think to your health firstly!! Don't worry for comments, take care and enjoy crafting, we all understand!Screens aren't good for eyes!
Lovely card in neutral tones, just perfect for men

JD/ Jill said...

Cute card. Hope your headaches go away not fun. I get Migraines and in this past year I have had to see three different eye doctors myseld..It did limit my "reading" time too.

Tina Z. said...

So sorry to read about your eyes. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.
Such a perfect design.

Pat said...

Lovely card Pauline, great design. Sorry about the headaches, understand about the bad light as this time of year, I struggle too with my Glaucoma when the light is bad,

Take care.

Pat xx

Witchcrafted Life said...

Sweet Pauline, thank you deeply for sharing more about the serious medical challenges that you are contending with. Really and truly, please do not worry for the tiniest of moments about your screen time. My own health has been far from a picnic this year and I've drastically reduced my own as a result, so can certainly relate on that front.

Please know that you, your creations, and the beautiful kindness you've blessed many peoples' sites with over the years are all adored and sincerely appreciated by all those who have had the pleasure of knowing you over the years.

Please try to put yourself and your health first as often as possible and know that we'll be here for you no matter how often you post or comment.

Immense hugs,
Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

Gibmiss said...

Hi Pauline
We all understand …. You are brilliant with you commenting…and card making everyday ….it makes sense for you to cut down ….
Take Care
Sylvie xx

Sue said...

I'm sorry you are experiencing the head aches, so painful. Take care of yourself and don't worry about commenting, in the bigger scheme of things, you come first! Hope you can continue to do what you love for a very long time.

Big Hug