
Sunday 7 August 2022

Festive Friends

I have another card created with the Hunkydory Winter Wildlife collection to share today, I just love these adorable donkeys.

This time I have created a slimline card, I used one of the printed card stock sheets and one of the matching papers along with a gorgeous topper and a sentiment from another Hunkydory Christmas collection - you don't really need to do a lot to make a card with this gorgeous collection.

Thankfully Blogger seems to have sorted out the commenting problems a bit, I'm still getting a few ending up in my spam folder but not as many as I was at one point.

Thank you for popping in today, your company is much appreciated - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. Another beautiful layout and card

  2. A beautiful card Pauline. Lovely papers and the donkeys are adorable. Marlies

  3. Really love donkeys, the image is beautiful, so is your card,

  4. Lovely slimline, beautiful papers and topper!
    Happy Sunday!

  5. What cute images Pauline…just so lovely and Christmassy….love that hunkydory kit…
    Lovely cool sunny day here …take care xxx

  6. Beautiful card and papers and love the gorgeous Donkey image. I haven't had as many in spam either just the odd one ot two
    Carol x

  7. Beautiful image and christmas card,

    Thank you for telling me about the spam, yes I found two of yours in there, yet one that was spam had got though, I was able to delete it, Blogger should learn what is spam and what is not.

    I hope your weather has improved, do you think you could send some rain down here, they say we will be back into a heatwave this week with no rain, so far all we have is a bit of drizzle that just wet the ground and dust. It looks like we will be ok for water at the moment we come under Bristol water and they say they have enough, fingers crossed. Because we are beginning to be surrounds by areas short of water

  8. What an adorable picture, and I love your layout, beautiful card Pauline, Kate x

  9. Beautiful Pauline. Love the papers and donkey image x

  10. Another gorgeous card with those adorable donkeys Pauline hugs x

  11. OH WOW this is so beautiful it took my breathe away Pauline that image is awesome and so close to my heart, brilliant work
    lorraine x

  12. such a sweet and beautiful card Pauline

    gr karin

  13. That donkey image is just precious and it makes for a great slimline designed card! So cute! I'm still getting unpublished comments in my published list, and I have to check the list every day and check off those that are not spam. The spam folder seems to be empty however, but things are still not working as they should for me unfortunately.

  14. WOW, this card is beautiful. The Donkeys are so cute too.


  15. Yep still love them!! I have not allowed myself to be influenced..this time!! The collection was in my basket and then I remembered that I have a CDrom with similar images so have dug that out!! xx

  16. Absolutely wonderful card Pauline, love those Donkeys. Yes! I seem to have been allowed back into Bloglovin and more comments, thankfully.
    Faith x

  17. So pretty! Great papers and details! Hugz

  18. Fabulous sweet image and terrific Christmas card.


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