
Saturday 13 November 2021

Facebook Live Class 27 - Work in Progress

I will be joining Facebook Live Class 27 run by Clare from my Creative Spirit this weekend, I love these classes, Clare is a fantastic teacher and always comes up with fun new projects for us to create.

This is my preparation for the class, we will be making a Flip Flap Album in a Box, the box and album covers are made from 2mm Chipboard and these are all of the pieces that I have cut ready to craft along. 

It doesn't seem possible that this pile of chipboard will end up looking like this super box and album - well hopefully it will.

Clare used the new Graphic 45 Come One, Come All collection to cover hers but I think I might use my Graphic 45 Artisan Style collection to cover mine, I'm saving the Come One, Come All collection for another project.

I will be back later in the week to share my progress.

Thank you for visiting my blog today, your company is much appreciated - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. Enjoy your workshop Pauline,look forward to seeing your projects

  2. Looking forward to seeing your result..x

  3. Enjoy the workshop I am looking forward to seeing your creation….take care xxx

  4. This looks like it will be a fun class - so enjoy it!

  5. I'm also looking forward to see what you make with the chip board. I'm sure it will be fabulous! (like all your work!)

  6. Sounds like fun. What do you do with all the finished projects?

  7. That looks a lot of work-look forward to seeing the end result
    Carol x

  8. Gorgeous boxes Pauline, I hope you enjoy the workshop, Kate x

  9. Looking forward to see the end result Pauline. Big hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  10. Wow! I can't wait to see your own album in a box!

  11. I can't wait to see what your creation will look like. Knowing you, it'll be beautiful. I don't have Facebook but it would be great to drop in to see the process of how these creations are made. [Bunny]

  12. These are gorgeous Pauline. Looking forward to seeing your project. I know it will be fabulous. xx

  13. This is wonderful Pauline.

  14. I always love your albums Pauline, so really looking forward to seeing what you make from this pile of chipboard.
    Faith x

  15. Wow that looks so beautiful cannot wait to see yours Pauline there will be lots of oooo's and aaaaa's and a few wows from me, lol.
    lorraine x

  16. What a great example to aspire to Pauline - I am sure yours will be comparable!
    Stay safe

  17. How exciting! You are an endlessly talented paper crafter, dear Pauline, and I'm sure your version will be knock-our-socks off gorgeous as well.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  18. You are so ambitious and creative!!!


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