
Saturday 12 June 2021

Garden Happiness

I have not been creating very much this week, my youngest son took a weeks leave from work so we have been having a few trips out - I did find time to make this card though.

I am still using up my Graphic 45 Bloom collection, I used the cover sheet along with scraps of 12 x 12 paper and 8 x 8 paper.  The focal point is an ephemera/journal card and I fussy cut some flowers and butterflies.

These are a couple of photographs from a trip to the woods with the dogs, we are really lucky where we live, we have some lovely woodlands, lots of fresh water streams and parks, also we are not far from the beach.

This is Ludgershall Castle, a local 11th Century ruin.

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  1. very beautiful card and great photo's Pauline

    gr karin

  2. Your papers and elements are beautiful Pauline,the card has a vintage feel which I love,Fantastic pics of the dogs on your walk

  3. Stunning card, Pauline! Great pictures of your outdoor fun with the pooches! xx

  4. Beautiful card and as always gorgeous papers used.
    I just LOVE your boys and their growing up together is wonderful I have always wanted to travel to the UK just to see the old buildings and ruins, oh only in my dreams now. xxx

  5. A beautiful card Pauline - loving your use of these gorgeous papers.
    The dogs look to be thoroughly enjoying themselves :)
    Stay safe

  6. Hope you enjoyed time with your son. Your card is lovely. Love Dawn x

  7. Gorgeous make hun, love the vintagey feel to your make, but with a modern twist...I hope that makes sense lol!
    Looks like you have had a fabulous time
    Hugs Shell xx

  8. The weather has been great for your son's week off work, glad you had some nice trips out and looks like your four-legged friends enjoyed themselves too.
    Another fabulous floral card.

  9. A beautiful card Pauline…love the colours…so pretty.
    I haven’t done much crafting either been watching the tennis and having new carpets fitted…enjoy the weekend …take care xxxx

  10. Summer on your card! And the dogs enjoy their summerwalk too!
    Lia xx

  11. I love the beautiful papers on your card. It's so pretty. Great outdoor pictures. I love to walk in the woods. [Bunny]

  12. Such a beautiful card Pauline.

    Sue xx

  13. A gorgeous card with lots of lovely layers Pauline. Those woods look like a nice cool place to be walking in this hot weather and the dogs certainly look as though they are having a good explore! x

  14. I really like that card done in pinks and greens. That is such a pretty combination. You have a stunning place to walk the dogs and a castle too! Spending time with our children is the best time spent.

  15. Beautiful papers and flowers love the little butterflies.Great photos and sounds like a beautiful area to live
    Carol x

  16. Those papers are gorgeous Pauline and great pics of the dogs hugs xx

  17. You live in a fabulous place!!
    Love so much the design of this card, fabulous papers and layering! The gorgeous flowers and butterflies are amazing!

  18. A really classy card Pauline, a really super design, great papers and some really lovely dies.

    Kath x

  19. Hi Pauline unfortunately when dogs appear in posts they overtake anything else for me, lol, they look like they are enjoying themselves, Pauline your card is stunning those papers, butterflies and flowers look awesome I love it.
    lorraine x

  20. Beautiful card, Pauline. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. xx

  21. A beautiful card Pauline and love all the colours and designs. Pretty butterflies too. The dogs looked like they were having fun. Great photos of the area. Big hugs, Carol S.xx

  22. Very pretty card and love the photos with the dogs, it's good to walk in the woods, not so hot there.

  23. Your card is gorgeous Pauline, those papers are so beautiful, and your design and embellishments are so pretty.
    Lovely photos of the dogs on their walk around the forest, thanks for sharing, Kate x

  24. Beautiful card Pauline - I'm liking this paper collection very much
    (oh dear!!). 😉
    Fatima x

  25. Very beautiful Pauline.

  26. Hi Pauline

    That sounds like a lovely week.

    How nice to spend all that time with your Son .. .. and go exploring.

    Simple pleasures that mean the world!

    Love your card. Pleased you found time to have a crafty play too.

    You have the most beautiful collections to work with. Such good taste!

    Love Jules xx

  27. Thoroughly lovely design. The dimensional butterflies are an especially pretty element.

    I hope that you and your son have been having an awesome time together, complete with decent weather as spring starts to pass the torch to summer once again.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  28. What a great card Pauline.
    Love the colors.
    Such a lovely dogs have you.

  29. A Beautiful card Pauline, good to hear you had a good time with your son, of course he took priority.
    Faith x

  30. So pretty and I love the dimension. Aww look at your lovely boys on an adventure!! xx

  31. Card is beautiful as always! Loving the pictures of the pups running free and investigating everything. A castle ruins that you can walk to, how fabulous!


  32. Great card - Pauline. Lots of cool layers! How great to have your Son home and do some local travel - it is my favorite thing to do. Wonderful castle ruins and I always love seeing your dogs! Hugz


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