
Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, I would like to thank you all for visiting my blog throughout 2019 and for leaving lots of super comments - I wish you all a fantastic 2020 full of fun, excitement and good health.

Sorry that I have been absent for the past couple of weeks but first my husband was rather poorly and then my laptop decided to die on me.  Hubby is now better and I have a new laptop so normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

See you soon.



  1. Happy new year, hope you and hubby and boys have had a good one.xx

  2. Have missed your posts Pauline and hoped all was well with you Happy New Year

  3. Glad hubby is better. Happy new year

  4. Happy New Year Pauline. Pleased hubby is better and all is well with you x

  5. Happy New Year Pauline. Hope 2020 is a good one for you and your family. Glad to hear that your hubby is doing better and that you've got a new laptop. I've got a very poorly computer. We think our son will need to re-build it now at the beginning of February as the work he did on Christmas Day still makes it hang all the time. Technology eh? Take care, Kym

  6. I wish you and your family a very happy new Year

  7. Happy New Year! Sorry for your troubles, but glad to hear that now all it's ok!

  8. So pleased to hear your hubby is better and that you have a new laptop. Happy New Year lovely lady. Thank you for all your lovely comments as always on my blog. Take care . Hugs xx


  9. The Best Wishes and Creativity for 2020
    De Beste Wensen en Creativiteit voor 2020
    Gr Karin

  10. Happy new year Pauline. So glad to hear Hubby is better xx

  11. Happy New Year and the best wishes for 2020
    Hugs, Ansx

  12. Happy New Year Pauline. Wishing you and yours a healthy and happy 2020 xx

  13. Happy New Year, Pauline. Glad to hear that your husband is feeling better. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations in 2020. xx

  14. I hope your Hubby is better now, Pauline and that 2020 brings all that you hope for.
    Carol x

  15. Happy New Year to you Pauline glad to hear your hubby is better and laptop problem resolved
    Carol x

  16. Happy Happy New Pauline, so a recovered hubby and a new laptop to start the year, couldn't be better LOL.
    Faith x

  17. May your 2020 be one of many blessings for you and Hubby, Pauline


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