
Thursday 2 January 2020

Boxing Clever

Hello all, it's good to be back in action again, unfortunately my husband was rather ill before Christmas and then my laptop decided to die on me so I have not been posting for a while.  Hubby is now better and I have a new laptop so normal service will be resumed.

I was asked to create some small gift boxes using the fabulous Crafter's Companion Favour Box Dies for Die-cutting Essentials Magazine Issue 60 and this is one of my favourites.

I used the Trinket Box die along with some Royal Blue and Baby Blue Centura Pearl cardstock.  The sentiment is from the Honeycombe Favour Box die set.  These boxes are so easy to make up and they are a really useful size - you really should give them a go.

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave - they are all read and very much appreciated.



  1. Gorgeous contrast in the shades of blue Pauline the box is beautifully decorated and looks stunning

  2. Lovely and creative Pauline. The pattern on this die is just so pretty..

  3. Amazing box, so elegant and such brilliant design!
    Happy 2020!!

  4. Happy New Year Pauline.
    Glad to hear that Hubby is better now. Love the box project. The gorgeous dies make it look so special.
    Lorraine x

  5. Happy New Year Pauline!
    Beautiful box and I'm glad you're back in action.
    Fatima x

  6. Happy new year Pauline...glad to hear that your hubby is now fit again...
    Love the trinket box it’s beautiful...treated myself to this

  7. OH! This is so very pretty and beautiful too, love the design.
    Faith x

  8. Gorgeous colours and such a lovely shaped box xx

  9. What a wonderful and pretty favor box with beautiful colors! Here's to better health and brighter days in 2020!

  10. Happy new year
    Lovely boxes love the dies you used

  11. What a cute box this is and I love the hearts on it. It would be nice to have several of these on hand for a quick gift for someone. I'm glad to hear hubby is on the mend and the laptop that bit the dust has been replaced. Happy New Year to you.

  12. Gorgeous box Pauline.
    Happy new year to you.
    Janice x

  13. A lovely gift box.

    Have a Happy New Year!
    Kath x

  14. Welcome back to blogland, Pauline! I was wondering about you - I'm glad your hubby is feeling better and hope your new laptop lasts a long time. Your little gift box is beautiful!

  15. Happy New Year, wishing you and yours all the best for 2020. Love this box it looks so delicate, Hazel xx

  16. Wonderful Box Pauline and a Happy new Year.

  17. What a lovely, decorative box, Pauline. Sorry to hear that your hubby has been unwell, but pleased that he's feeling better now. xx

  18. Great to see you back Pauline and hear all is well.Love the beautiful favour box and dies
    carol x

  19. Happy new year Pauline

    Blue is my number 1 favourite colour and this box is stunning with the two different shades

    June :)

  20. This is gorgeous, really beautiful dies and love the two shades of blue backgrounds.
    Glad to hear Hubby is well and wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    Kath x

  21. Sorry to hear you had a rather rough end to the year Pauline - and glad to hear things are better now. What a gorgeous box you have made!

  22. So glad you hubby is feeling better, have sympathy for him as we were both down for the count over the holidays Great colors on this super fun box and the die cuts are wonderful. Would be great for Valentines Day in red!!



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