
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Hungry Wrens

Lynda Chapman will be launching a fabulous new CD and Paper Collection featuring Pollyanna Pickering's stunning artwork on Sunday. It is called Garden Visitors and contains artwork from Pollyanna's Chapter I in the Sketch Book Collection - it has been revisited and a beautiful Robin has been added.

You can find more cards that I created using the CD HERE.

This is one of the samples that I have created for the shows using the fabulous Wren collection.

Everything is from the CD including the scalloped borders and the sentiment, all I have added is some of Lynda's brown card stock.

Make sure you tune in to Create and Craft at noon on Sunday 9th September, there will be lots of DT inspiration and fabulous demos by Lynda.

We spent a lovely day at the beach in Weymouth yesterday, we took my Mum down to stay with my Sister for a few days, the weather was fabulous.

Thank you for visiting my blog, please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. Beautiful autumnal shades in your card Pauline, I know it must be Spring with the fledglings in the nest but the colours remind me of autumn. Lovely photo of the coast line

  2. Gorgeous card Pauline. I do like Pollyanna's work. She will be missed. Love Dawn x

  3. Lovely card Pauline...such a sweet image of the wrens one of my very favourite birds...great colours again so good for a masculine card xxxx

  4. So sweet and those baby birds are so cute. We have a nest in our tree and every year the birds make their babies at home. I think they may be building as have seen them go to and thro towards the tree, nice sight. Lovely relaxing photo...x

  5. Beautiful images and gorgeous papers
    Carol x

  6. Such a beautiful card Pauline and great photos too. I spent many happy holidays in Weymouth as a child, my great aunt had a caravan on one of the sites there.

    Sue xx

  7. Stunning card, Pauline! Glad you had a good time at the seaside and that the weather was good! xxx

  8. A lovely mix of pretty papers and card design to compliment this gorgeous image.

  9. Wonderful card Pauline, beautiful layout. x

  10. The birds are just beautiful on this card as well as all the previous ones you've been making. Lovely card design, and how nice that you got to spend some time at the beach!

  11. Another wonderful card with these fabulous images Pauline, Super design and the papers are so pretty xx

  12. Lovely card, great design I love your wren image
    What a pity it was a bit cloudy yesterday hope your mum enjoyed her day

  13. Lovely card Pauline, such a lovely image and great design.

    Pat xx

  14. Lovely card Pauline.

  15. This is a spectacular card Pauline, the design is amazing. A Great picture of Weymouth, one of our favourite haunts!! xx

  16. Absolutely stunning card!! The images are so beautiful!! I love the way you used the circles for the images and sentiment!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  17. Just love those papers and a super design, cute images too.

    Kath x

  18. Wonderful card with the pretty image, nice picture from the beach, this is Dorset?? I think, we stayed in Devon..

  19. From what I’ve seen so far this is a lovely cd and paper collection. And I love to see how different designs you make using these supplies. Beautiful card.

  20. A really beautiful card Pauline and I love Weymouth! Shabneez x


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