
Sunday 21 August 2022

Make a Splash

I have another masculine card to share today, I have used the Hunkydory Sporting Silhouettes collection to create a double Z-fold card.  This design looked good in my head but didn't quite work out as I had planned - does that ever happen to you?

I used one large image, two smaller images, a couple of sentiments and one sheet of printed card stock.  I created the rosette with one of the printed papers that comes with this collection.

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  1. Looks fabulous to me Pauline,great layout,papers,images and embellishments

  2. Fabulous masculine card Pauline, I don't know why you aren't full happy with your design, I think it's perfect! Amazing use of the papers and love so much the rosette!

  3. Yes, Pauline, what I envisage and what eventuates can often be two totally different things. Love this card - it's a wonderful fold and great use of the papers

  4. Looks good, I like those colours

  5. Great masculine card Pauline, fabulous design and I love the images. Mine never seem to come out how I imagine them! Enjoy your day.

    Pat xx

  6. I love it too, the shape/fold works beautifully to showcase the swimming images and long flowing water details.

  7. I know just what you mean-but not to worry your card is a fabulous masculine card love the fold,great images and love the little one on the rosette
    Carol x

  8. Fabulous fold, design and images Pauline!

  9. You make the best masculine cards and this is another one. I like the sun behind the swimmer and the water paper. And, yes, that just happened to me yesterday. I made a card and it doesn't look anything like I thought it was going to. I am remaking it today!

  10. I think you design is great the way it is too. very nicely done.

    And in answer to your question... YES! It happens to me all the time. The way I plan a card to turn out...often doesn't...

  11. Fantastic card and I love the shape.x

  12. Absolutely spot on Pauline, love this masculine card. Wish I could design in my head! hahaha
    Faith x

  13. Amazing design and a great male card Pauline, super swimming images, Kate x

  14. fantastic and great card Pauline

    gr karin

  15. I think it workes out very well, love the colours and the images,

  16. Fabulous great colours and brilliant result x

  17. Wonderful design, Pauline the colours are gorgeous. I can safely say that what I come up with in my head rarely makes it to the final project...which may be a good thing! 😏🙂

  18. A beautiful card. I love the double z fold. Lovely colors and images.

  19. Most of the time my card doesn't come out as planned or envisioned, the good thing is, only I know:)
    I think the design and fold both are terrfic.

  20. A super design with wonderful images! So pretty!

  21. I love this fun Z fold and these great masculine swimming images. Another terrific sporting card.


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