
Monday 27 June 2022

Holiday in Pembrokeshire

As promised, I have a few photographs from our holiday to share, I don't have many as it was so lovely and warm I was wearing a skirt and t-shirt most of the time so I didn't have my phone with me!

The first two are of Broad Haven Beach, it was the closest one to the cottage that we were staying in and this is the only day that we had any rain, we still managed a lovely walk on the beach with the dogs though.  The first one is my youngest son with our two dogs and the second is a very distant hubby and son with the dogs.

Most of the photographs are of beautiful beaches that were close to our holiday cottage, I'm not sure of the names of all of the beaches, most were beautiful sandy beaches but some had some pebbles on them - the pebbles were usually at the back of the beach or along the high tide line.

Both of the dogs absolutely love the sea, it is difficult to get them out of it!

This is the Cathedral at St Davids, this was our only visit to a town, actually it is a city - the smallest in the UK I think.

This is Dobby's grave on Freshwater West Beach, it is were they filmed the 'Shell Cottage' scenes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is a stunning beach and the grave location can be found tucked away in the sand dunes.

I gave up trying to get to this beach, the walk (more of a clamber) was a bit much for me, so I sat on the top of the cliff and read my kindle, sitting in the sun with a lovely cool sea breeze, whilst the boys and the dogs clambered down to the beach.

This was the view from the back of our cottage one evening, the cottage was on a working farm and it was lovely, it was an ideal location for exploring the Pembrokeshire coastline.

It was a wonderful, relaxing holiday away from everything and at this time of year it was surprisingly quiet - I don't think I would like to be there in the peak summer season, although the beaches are large and sandy, the roads are mostly single carriageway and I think you would spend most of your time reversing back to let people pass.

On a more sombre note, I was a little sad yesterday to see that another of my blogging friends is no longer going to be blogging, it seems that bloggers are diminishing fast at the moment.  I know blogging can be a little time consuming but I quite enjoy a peaceful half an hour writing my blog posts and visiting my friends.  I feel you get to know people on their blogs, much more than on Facebook and Instagram and you don't have to put up with the negativity and posturing that you do elsewhere, Facebook seems to be a lot about complaining or boasting, you don't get that on blogs.  I hope no more of my friends are thinking about giving up on their blogs, it would be a real shame if it simply dies out!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave, they are all read and much appreciated.



  1. What a lovely spot Pauline - so glad you had a wonderful holiday.
    I too have noticed the decline in blogging too - far fewer comments than I used to get - seems that folk simply want to 'post and be done' and not take the time to write a text to go with their photos - and yes, the negativity on social media is horrific at times, whilst blogging seems somewhat removed from that.

  2. Loved seeing your holiday snaps,the beaches look absolutely beautiful and perfect for a long walk with the dogs. Agree that it's sad that fewer people are continuing to blog,I'm not a fan of Facebook and don't have an Instagram account my feelings about these platforms is the same as yours,I was taught if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.

  3. This looks such a lovely place for a holiday Pauline, so glad you enjoyed it.
    I am not giving up my blog either, and I so enjoy reading other blogs too

  4. Lovely pics Pauline and pleased you had a nice relaxing time. I hope blogging doesn't die away, I'm the same as you and like to spend half an hour looking at what's happening. I also like to enter challenges, but they are diminishing since I started blogging and that was only about 5 years ago x

  5. LOve all the holiday pics Pauline not been to the beach/sea for a long time unfortunately! I prefer blogging tooand entering the challenges which a lot of people have said are time consuming to check but I have anotebook with the challenges written on the days they post and just check them whilst sat having a coffee and those who complain about less comments- do they actually comment on everyone elses it is a 2 way thing -I am on FB because of the DT I am on but there is a lot you just aimlessly scroll through,but don't intend joining IG
    carol x

  6. So glad you had such a lovely holiday, Pauline the photos look fab. It is sad that blogging looks to be declining it does seem to be all FB and Instagram now. 😢

  7. Lovely photo's Pauline, the dogs seem to have really enjoyed themselves on the beaches. Love the photo of St David's we went about 4 or 5 years ago and I remember the lovely cathedral and grounds. I don't do Facebook just blogging but as you say I notice a lot of people who I used to visit no longer blog and lots of challenges are closing down, seems such a shame. Have a lovely day.

    Pat xx

  8. We've been there 3 years ago before corona-trimes and it was amazing!!!
    Enjoy !
    Lia xx

  9. I know all these places Pauline and yes! the area certainly is outstandingly beautiful. As for St Davids being a City, it's hardly a town I think :) I love it there though. We try and go at least every year. We are only an hour plus depending on traffic from there. Good to hear you and the family enjoyed yourselves. I agree about Blogger, it would be a shame to lose it.
    Faith x

  10. Looks like a fun and relaxing vacation.

  11. Hello Pauline. Your photos are super, and what a lovely place you were staying in. Great to be there when it was quiet too.
    I'm still blogging Pauline, I don't like Facebook, although I do have an Instagram account, but mostly for my coloured pictures. Blogger is very time consuming however, just have to pace myself Kate x

  12. Gorgeous photo's Pauline, so glad you had a lovely break away and the weather looked to be lovely for most of it. The change of scenery and routine is sometimes all that is needed to recharge the batteries.
    I don't blog as much as I used to unfortunately - I just don't seem to have the time anymore which is sad as I really enjoy blogging and visiting too. I intend to keep my blog going though, it's also a record of the cards and projects I've made. Although I use Facebook and Instagram to advertise the two Farmers Markets that I manage each month I rarely use them for my own crafty exploits, I prefer the more chatty feel of my blog rather than the 'in your face' picture promotion on FB and IG, but we are all different.

  13. What beautiful photos Pauline, it certainly looks like a beautiful place to visit. I suspect you are right to have gone when you did, it will be manic in a few weeks!! I echo your sentiments about the decline in blogger numbers. Like you, I find it therapeutic to sit and take time to comment and have a jolly good look at the project on show. There is certainly more of a community feel here too. I use Instagram to share family stuff to those that have no interest in my crafting though. I am planning on staying here, as long as Blogger behaves!!

  14. TFS your beautiful vacation photos! It's refreshing to see those blue waters, and beautiful views! Sorry about your blogging friends stepping away. I've lost quite a few of my blogging friends too, but life throws all these curves at us all the time. I'm slower than before, but still blogging as much as possible.

  15. Lovely holiday pictures. So glad you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday.

  16. Such beautiful beaches, really fabulous places to relax! Here beaches are already full of people, there is no space to walk and dogs aren't admitted in the most. Such a shame. The beaches in your photos are a heaven! :) I'm glad you have had a beautiful vacation!
    Also Marianne has gone away on other places, as a lot of other people... I'm not on Fb or Ig, I don't like that way of socials and prefer blogland, even if it's surely time consuming.

  17. Wonderful images of a nice holiday, love the dogs and the water.
    Our border collie does not like water at all!
    We stayed in New Castle in April for a week, it was good to be back in England,

  18. What a great trip. Your dogs are beautiful, and I am sure they love the water. That town (castle image) is incredible. Someday I hope to travel to the is on my bucket list. Sounds like an amazing adventure.

  19. Thanks for sharing your vacation photos. I love it when people share pictures as it is the only way I can see places I will never go. It looks so peaceful there. I totally agree with blogging. You do get to know people through it and I have met so many wonderful bloggers in person and on zoom. It's a wonderful group of ladies that I would never get to know otherwise. I think instagram is a quick way to share photos but nothing else. Blogs are much more personal.

  20. Looks like a lovely peaceful vacation with family. It is sad when a blogger friend leaves as we get to know each other so well. I am blogging less as life is busy but make sure to visit at least twice a week and would miss my online friends tremendously if I gave it up, and it is so fun!

  21. so beautiful photos!
    looks you had so much fun!

  22. Love the pictures! Beautiful place. My favorite picture is Dobby's grave - he was my second favorite HP character and I loved the beach in the movie and often wondered where it was - so thanks for sharing!!! Fun stuff.

    Sounds like a fabulous vacation - you deserved it!

    I will be blogging on - I am with you, it is my favorite way to communicate and I do think you get to know people more! Glad you will be staying too. I have a cup of coffee and spend about 30 min myself most days. Hugz

  23. Wonderful photos from your holiday Pauline. I'm going to continue blogging (I do need to improve how often I blog) for the forseable future. I enjoy travelling around and seeing what everyone else has been making.

    Sue xx

  24. Thanks for posting the beautiful pictures. My Grandmother on my Dad's side was born in England and I have done some Ancestry work on the family. Gorgeous old churches and the beach looks wonderful. Thanks for sharig.


  25. Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures. The last time I was on a beach was in the year 2007. I wish I could get back to one again. But I do have some fabulous memories from that time...and more pictures than we have ever taken on a vacation. So I get them out from time to time and travel back again with the memories..

    I know what you mean about how sad it is when some of our friends no longer are blogging, etc. It's sad...but then, It seems like every thing is different these days. I try as hard as I can to appreciate what each day brings and hang on to each day. Not always easy.


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