
Tuesday 6 April 2021

Life is Beautiful

This is another spring themed card, we quite often need our Wellington Boots in the spring but it can also be really sunny and warm - the great British Weather, at least it's not boring!

I used my Carta Bella Spring Market collection again, there is a whole sheet of tags, I just fussy cut three of them along with two of the pretty pink papers and a fussy cut sentiment and Wellington Boots.

Thank you for popping in today - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. Very pretty and I love the 3 tags...against the pink background....lovely.
    Ice in the bird bath this morning and a gorgeous sunny day.....more spring cleaning again today ...take care xxxx

  2. Beautiful fresh colours and gorgeous floral tags a fabulous card

  3. Love this design, Pauline the tags are so pretty! xx

  4. This is a gorgeous Spring card. Woke up to a light sprinkle of snow and now the sun is out

  5. Beautiful Spring card love the tags and wellies -sunny here but just been out to feed the rabbit and it is absolutely freezing and the pond is competely frozen over
    Carol x

  6. Your spring weather sounds a bit like our autumn weather at the moment - bits of everything! Loving your card Pauline - so pretty and feminine
    Stay safe

  7. LOVE IT! I truly admire the detail in the tags with the twine and the black botanical names at the bottom of each. Your cooridating papers look marvelous - sigh - who can resist pink and green? Beautifully done, Pauline!

  8. How gorgeous Pauline, pretty flowers on the tags and a beautiful design with the wellies too. As for weather we have snow today! Yep! there's nothing like the British weather. hahaha
    Faith x

  9. A lovely design and sums up our British weather beautifully :)

  10. Well as I type this it is snowing quite big flakes which look like they could settle. Your card is lovely with the cute Wellington boots and the spring flower tags. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Beautiful Pauline. You are such an inspiration. Love Dawn x

  12. Beautiful card Pauline, love the design and the pastel colours.

    Pat xx

  13. Beautiful card with 3 pretty tags.
    Seems familiar to me what you write about the weather.
    In the Netherlands we also have lots of variation in the weather. Last week we a few days with a summer temperature and the last couple of days it's more like winter with snow and hail showers.

  14. What a great design and a great way to show the three lovely images.

    Kath x

  15. Great use of the tags, such beautiful design! It's a lovely inspiration!!

  16. Very pretty card with the lovely tags and Wellington boots,

  17. Beautiful, elegant card Pauline the tags look great on the card a brilliant idea also love the wellies I would love a pair like that, lol, it has been snowing here tonight and oh so cold roll on warmer days.
    lorraine x

  18. What a very pretty card Pauline, lovely papers and design, such gorgeous Spring colours too, Kate x

  19. Very elegant. Love the concept of the layout with 3 tags.

  20. Such an upbeat, delightfully lovely greeting.

    I hear you regarding the weather being far from boring. The same rings true around these Canadian parts as well. Case in point, while we have already had a few days that reached the teens here in our area, winter hasn't entirely vanished yet and we received fresh snow again yesterday morning.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  21. Another gorgeous card, I love the fresh colours.
    Katrina x


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