
Tuesday 16 February 2021

French Patisserie

Another small card created with my Graphic 45 Cafe Parisian collection again today, it is A2 size again.

I have used two of the beautiful papers along with a topper and a couple of the postage stamps, I trimmed the edges from them.  I also used some dark green card stock and fussy cut the flowers to embellish.

I'm so pleased and rather relieved that I had my first Covid jab yesterday, I was just about to get lunch when I received a phone call from the Doctor's Surgery.  They had some leftover vaccine and as they are unable to store opened vials, they said if I could go straight to the local vaccination centre I could have my jab - needless to say, my son took me straight there and I was in and out within ten minutes.  I had convinced myself that I would have to wait until my age group was being vaccinated, probably not until at least mid April, but I must have been bumped up into the group with underlying health conditions because of the medication I take for my Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Thank you for popping in today - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. You do show these papers off to great effect. It's beautiful. Love Dawn x

  2. A beautiful card Pauline. I think I must go and search for some Graphic 45 papers, they are so elegant and I love the vintage look. You are lucky to have already got your jab. That will have been a relief. Marlies

  3. Great card Pauline, lovely colour scheme. Great news about your jab x

  4. Oh what a sweetie this card is Pauline.
    Glad you hear you have had your 'jab' - I will be in one of the first rounds here because of my age and being asthmatic... there are some advantages to getting older :)
    Stay safe

  5. Great news on your jab. Hope you feel ok today, off to get mine later. Gorgeous card, love this collection.

  6. A lovely card Pauline - I love the colours of this collection.

    Well done for being able to get your Covid jab earlier than expected - I think we've both got a long wait ahead of us!

    Kath x

  7. That’s great news Pauline I know the sense of relief when you get your jab...Rich had his this week so we are both feeling like spring chickens ,love the card making me long for a coffee and cake...take care xxx

  8. Another fabulous card Pauline, glad to hear that you have had your first jab, they are doing a marvellous job getting through everyone.

  9. The papers are so pretty and the images make me hungry for sweets! Yum!

  10. A card filled with yummy treats and lovely flowers. I'm so happy you were able to get your shot a lot sooner that expected. That was a happy bonus for you.

  11. Beautiful card and papers -good news about your jab-we had our first a month ago
    Carol x

  12. Another stunning card from this collection.


  13. it's a beautiful card with great papers Pauline
    Gr Karin

  14. Beautiful card, pretty papers and flowers, love this card,

  15. Another brilliant card Pauline with yummy images!!
    We had our first jabs on Sunday morning. Just had a sore arm on Monday and not a lot of energy either, so sat on the sofa all day. Now today we are back to normal, whatever that is!! Hugs, Carol

  16. Good news Pauline that you've had your first jab, you'll feel relief that you've had your first one.
    Gorgeous card and those papers and toppers are sooo pretty, Kate x

  17. So pleased to hear that you have had your first vaccination Pauline. What a wonderful little card, the colours are fantastic xx

  18. Beautiful layer, papers and design Pauline.

    Hugs Diane

  19. This is fabulous Pauline those papers ....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  20. That's stellar news regarding receiving your first C-19 shot, Pauline.

    What a sweet, beautiful greeting. The colours in this collection are cheery and fun, while at the same time maintaining that distinct air of G45 sophistication.

    Autumn Zenith ๐Ÿงก Witchcrafted Life

  21. A really super card Pauline, great images and a great design. Glad you got your jab, how lucky they over stocked. Get my second one in April.

    Kath x

  22. Another fabulous card with those gorgeous papers. Very pretty.
    Lorraine x

  23. Another stunner, lovely papers.... hope you have no reactions to the vaccination. xx
    Proving I am not a Robot has been with me for nearly a week now, any solutions??

  24. Such a pretty card Pauline and glad you got your first vaccine. I was most relieved when my parents got theirs. Shabneez x

  25. Your card is an invitation to eat beautiful cakes hahaha. A really Beautiful card Pauline, love the colours of the collection, you show them off so beautifully. I hope is all is well with your jab.
    Keep safe
    Faith x

  26. Fantastic card Pauline.

  27. Oh my this is totally yummy Pauline those papers are very tasty a truly wonderful creation
    lorraine x

  28. The design is absolutely yummy. Lovely papers and colors.

  29. These card are fabulous as your card is. Happy for your vaccination ๐Ÿ’—

  30. Such a yummy card, Pauline! I haven't eaten breakfast yet so these yummies are making me hungry. Hope the jab hasn't given you any adverse reactions like some people have experienced. Stay well!

  31. What a yummy card!, makes me want to grab something sweet right now! Good for you that you got your first shot! It is miserable here to get an appointment. Have been on line for hours just to find out that no vaccine is available at each venue I tried. My husband got both of his through the Veterans Administration because he was a boots on the ground veteran of the Viet Nam war. We were so grateful, and they called him to make the appointments! Maybe we should let the military run the distribution of the vaccine, they seem to know how to do it exceptionally well!



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