
Wednesday 10 February 2021

Enjoy the little things

I have been playing with my Graphic 45 - Cafe Parisian Collection again, this time I have created a smaller A2 size card.

I have used two of the papers, a topper and several of my favourite fussy cut elements, everything has been layered up using foam pads for dimension.

I'm rather jealous of those of you that have snow, we have a very light sprinkling down here but I would really like to have a decent amount, neither of our dogs have seen snow and I would love to see what they will do, I think they would love it.

Thank you for popping in today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave, they are all read and much appreciated.



  1. Great card Pauline and wonderful papers you've used.

  2. A gorgeous card love the colour pallet your fussy cut elements and sentiment lots of snow here which makes it difficult to get out for groceries,our nearest shop is 11 miles away hope it starts to clear soon

  3. Just my kind of card Pauline...bright and cheerful and full of my favourite things...cake!....
    Well it snowed all day yesterday and we have a lovely 6 inches now...very pretty but not easy to walk through... take care xxx

  4. A lovely card and those cakes look scrummy too!
    Kath x

  5. What a pretty card Pauline - love those apricot toned papers.
    Stay safe

  6. Such a beautiful card Pauline, good enough to eat.

    Sue xx

  7. Lovely card, those cakes look good enough to eat :D
    Katrina x

  8. What a happy, festive, colorful, FUN creation, Pauline! The whimsy in the font makes the borders and design elements feel even MORE like a party! It's a wonderful card. hugs, de

  9. Lovely cheery card full of scrumptious goodies. xx
    [we have put in for a lab pup, to be born April, and 8 weeks later hopefully we will get one, if it's a girl. x]

  10. Beautiful card and papers love the sweet treat images.We have had snow for the last three days the most we have had for years! Our dogs go out do what they have too and shoot back in -one of our cats hasnt been out for two days not that I blame them lol
    Carol x

  11. Gorgeous papers, Pauline, and so yummy. Love the popped up goodies. You made these papers shine even more! What a treat! Hugz

  12. Lovely bright cheerful card, love the colours.

    We don’t have any snow just a few fine snow flurries that don’t even make enough to turn everything white. At least the bitter east wind has dropped.

  13. A Yummy card Pauline, love the always great details and layers.
    We don't have snow either, just very cold. Although the sun makes up for it :)
    Faith x

  14. Oh those "little things" look yummy! I could sure enjoy them like I enjoy this cute card.

  15. Great card Pauline, wonderful papers, layers and details.

    Hugs diane

  16. it's gorgeous papers and card Pauline
    Gr Karin

  17. I’m not super fond of snow, I hate when I starts to melt and you get that slush kind. But it does brighten up a bit. Your card is well designed, lovely effect with some of the details being popped up on foam.

  18. You can have all our snow, it's pretty but there is so much and our dogs don't like it.
    You made a wonderful romantic card,

  19. Beautiful card. The layerd cakes pop up realy nice. It's if you can grab the cakes right away.

  20. Oooooooh, just gorgeous Pauline, the papers are wonderful and such a lovely design. Love all those cakes, Kate x

  21. A beautiful card, your fussy cut layering is always fabulous!
    I haven't snow too! :)

  22. Really love this, great design and some super images and great toppers. Same here with the snow.

    Kath x

  23. This is a wonderful design with great images! Very pretty! You'd like the snow until you had to travel in it! LOL We're getting more overnight tonight so they say :)

  24. Gorgeous paoers with the best sentiment

  25. Wonderfully pretty design. I adore the mix of patterned papers that you've used here.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  26. Beautiful card Pauline, love the design and all the great embellishments.

    Pat xx

  27. A yummy creation Pauline! Shabneez x

  28. Stunning card ...Pauline all the zingy colours
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  29. A yummy card Pauline and love the papers and design.
    The snow in our garden is in places nearly 3 ft high because of the wind. Last night we had another layer dropped on us. My poor plants are just covered with snow. It is supposed to start to melt on Saturday.
    Hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  30. Wonderful card Pauline.

  31. A super card Pauline, lovely bright colours and now I'm hungry, how fortunate that it's coffee time :o)

  32. What a fabulous mix of papers and toppers to make a party on a card! So pretty, Pauline!
    Have a good weekend.
    Carol x

  33. Wow, this is so sweet. Wonderful card!
    Valerija xx

  34. Yummy card, Pauline! Such a gorgeous collection!

  35. Oh this looks yummy, what a lovely set of papers. Still have snow here although rains forecast for overnight, H x

  36. Another yummy card, makes me want to bake something sinful!
    Our dog has a lot of fur, a thick undercoat and loves the snow. When we let her out, we watch her plow through the snow with her face completely buried.
    Then there was a light mist and it froze on the top of the two foot of snow on the ground and she kept popping through and didn't know how to get out of it.

    Be careful what you wish for, we got snow late this year but are already tired of it.



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