
Friday 5 June 2020

More Lovely Dinners

I thought I would share some more of the lovely dinners that my eldest son has cooked for us during the lockdown.  He is back at work full time now so we are not being treated to as many great meals any more!

A fabulous Sunday Roast - pork and all the trimmings, he even managed some super crackling, something I rarely manage to achieve.

Chicken Chow-mein with Sweet Chilli Chicken Drumsticks, I had wine with mine the boy's had Pepsi Max.

Beef Ragu with Garlic Bread and below Bacon and Leek Risotto, I will miss being spoilt when Matthew moves out in August ready to start his new job in September.

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave.



  1. Looks like you've been very well looked after! My 19 year old has also been cooking, but as he is on a very different sleep pattern to me, he tends to want to start pottering around in the kitchen at 9/10 in the evening....then "forgets" to clean up after himself...then I come down to a messy kitchen in the morning!!!!!

  2. a talented lad Pauline, you must be so proud of your boys

  3. Those meals look amazing Pauline - at least you won't have to worry about Matthew not cooking when he moves out!
    Stay safe

  4. Really spoilt Pauline, wish my son would cook for me. At the moment I would love anyone to cook for me. Hubby and I go out maybe twice a month for a meal, we're really missing it at the moment.

    Sue xx

  5. Bless him lovely to have him doing some cooking .....we are having a quiet day today after all the rain last night it’s a bit too wet in the garden to get on with much....take care xxx

  6. OH! WOW! Pauline, you have trained him well for his future life. What wonderful and fulfilling meals.
    Take care
    Faith x

  7. Fabulous meals your son has been creating.

    Hugs diane

  8. Great selection of delicious looking meals pity he had to go back to work lol
    Carol x

  9. They all look delicious, it is nice to be spoilt once in a while. Very talented son you have there.
    Linda xxx

  10. Lovely looking meals Pauline, how lovely to be spoilt!! If we ever won the lottery I think a cook wold be top of the list for me!! xx

  11. All these dinners look fabulous Pauline, lucky you having such a talented cook, You'll miss him, but good to have a beak from the cooking, Kate x

  12. I knew I should have had boys instead of girls! Look great.

    Kath x

  13. Send your son over here for a month, the food looks YUMMY..XX

  14. Wow, what a great cook he is and how lucky are you! I'm so tired of cooking but I will say I am eating better since I don't go out as much. That is so wonderful of him to do the cooking while he's home.

  15. Mmmm, looks yummy. I'm hungry right now :)

  16. The meals look delicious Pauline

    June x

  17. Wow Pauline .. .. you are being well spoilt.

    At least you won't have to worry that he isn't eating properly when he moves out!

    Some great meals there!

    Love Jules xx

    p.s. I would have had wine with mine too! LOL!!

  18. WOW, what fabulous meals, good luck to your son on his new job.



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