
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Something Different

It was my Birthday yesterday, unfortunately we could not go out to celebrate like we normally would but instead we had a lovely dinner at home.

I told my Husband and youngest son not to risk going to the shops to buy me a Birthday card so they decided to make me one, these are what they made:

There are a lot of downsides to being in lockdown because of the coronavirus but there are also some benefits - it's lovely having the whole family together at home and both of my sons have decided that they would like to cook more.  These are Matthew's latest creations:

A very nice Beef Strogonoff with cheesy garlic bread.

Chicken Korma with Onion Bhaji and Pitta Bread, all very tasty - especially the Onion Bhaji.

He cooked this apple cake for my Birthday, it was lovely eaten straight from the oven with some ice cream.

This was Laurence's first attempt at cooking a leek and bacon pasta bake, very yummy - I look forward to seeing what he tries next.

Thank you for visiting my blog today, your company is much appreciated - I will be back tomorrow with a card.



  1. They did you proud Pauline looks like you have been spoiled with their cooking,, belated birthday wishes hope you had a magical day

  2. Well done to them for making cards and cooking. The pasta bake looks delicious.

  3. Belated birthday wishes Pauline - it looks as though you had a wonderful 'family' day, and so wonderful to see your sons wanting to cook, and being adventurous with it!
    Stay safe

  4. Happy belated birthday, Pauline! What a wonderful family you have! The cards are brilliant but the looks yummy!! xx

  5. o the cards are looking great with lotts of love

    the eat photo's looks delicious.

    Gr Karin

  6. Beautiful hand made cards and not having to cook too, what more could you want. Happy Birthday for yesterday Pauline.

    Sue xx

  7. Glad you had a lovely day with the family for your birthday....and getting spoilt with all that gorgeous food.....take care xxx

  8. How sweet your family is adorable and look at that yummy food....Happy Birthday lovely lady.xx

  9. It was my hubby's birthday yesterday too Pauline. Happy Belated Birthday. Love your cards, I suspect you have never had better?

    You have certainly got sons with potential to become chefs :) those meals look so yummy.
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x

  10. Happy belated birthday Pauline Lovely cards and scrummy food too!
    Kath x

  11. A very big belated Happy Birthday to you Pauline. I hope you enjoyed your day. Love the cards and your meal looks yummy.

    So far in lockdown it's been my hubby's 50th, our wedding anniversary and today is my mum's birthday - lots of celebrating to catch up with when things get back to normal.
    Lorraine x

  12. Well done to them for the cards and all the cooking looks delicious
    Carol x

  13. Happy Birthday for yesterday Pauline. A great idea for them to make you a card and the meals looks delicious. Our daughter cooked for us last night for a change and we've decided she's going to do it once a week from now on to keep her hand in :) x

  14. Belated birthday wishes for you. I am so impressed with your sons. The card is the sweetest and one I know you will treasure. Those meals look wonderful and they are not just into bacon and eggs, but really excellent meals. How wonderful for you to be sharing that with them. (And to have someone else cooking for you)!

  15. Happy Birthday to you. The meals are wonderful.

    Hugs Diane

  16. Happy Belated Birthday, they sure did you proud and the meals look delicious.
    Linda xxx

  17. Hope you had a lovely birthday. Your boys certainly look quite handy in the kitchen and the craft room. Love Dawn x

  18. Well this is wonderful, Pauline! The cards they made are so cute, and I like the personal touch! Belated birthday wishes to you! Your sons are very talented with what they are cooking! I'm getting hungry just looking at the photos. I wish my hubby would cook! Glad you are seeing some positives from the lockdown!

  19. Happy Belated Birthday, Hope you had a lovely day. Your meals look really good, Hazelxx

  20. Happy belated Birthday, great cards and the food looks yummie,

  21. Belate∂ Birthday wishes Pauline and by the looks of it you were spoilt rotten. Such fun cards and how super that they made the effort. Meals look great too. No children at home so it would be beans on toast from my hubby.

    Kath x

  22. Happy belated birthday to you and your husband and sons get top honors from me for their card making and cooking efforts! It's obvious you are quite loved and I'm happy for you! Hope it was a very happy occasion in spite of lockdown!

  23. Happy birthday!
    they made lovely cards!
    and it looks you had nice day!

  24. Hi Pauline

    Belated birthday wishes to you.

    Your cards are far more precious than anything that could be bought .. .. works of art straight from the heart!

    Looks like you might have some super chefs on your hands too. Your meals are all lovely.

    Love Jules xx

  25. Belated Birthday Wishes Pauline, looks like the men in your life came up trumps with those very special cards and Masterchef's in the making too!! xx

  26. Happy Belated birthday Pauline, it looks like you had a lovely day. Love the cards your son and hubby made,well done to them. The food looks yummy too Kate x x

  27. Happy belated birthday, Pauline!
    It looks like you had a wonderful birthday... getting spoilt with all that yummy food and sweet cards. Your son have a great potential to become a chef, so let him continue to spoil you with great meals, and one day he'll be one of the Masterchefs. ;)

  28. Great cards and good looking food, your boys did well!
    Janice x

  29. What talented, wonderfully thoughtful chaps the men in your family are. Their cards and eats are both so lovely. I really hope that you had a stellar birthday despite the many challenges of present day life and that it leads to a wholly positive, safe, wonderful year ahead for you, my friend.

    Big hugs,
    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  30. happy belated birthday

  31. Wow. Seems like the men in your household are stepping it up. Handmade cards, dinner and dessert, that’s not bad at all. Lucky you:)

  32. Wow, those meals look amazing. Whatever he is presently doing, maybe he has missed his calling. What a nice break for you too. And warm cake with ice cream too. Glad your birthday was special with homemade cards and a delicious meal. Happy Birthday Pauline.



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