
Sunday 8 September 2019

A few holiday pics

I thought I would pop in and share a few photographs from our recent holiday in Somerset.

It was a family holiday - me, hubby, Matthew and Hannah, Laurence and MIL plus Ramsey of course.

We stayed in a large house in a small village, this is Matthew playing with Ramsey in the lounge.

This was one of our many walks along a nature trail on the Somerset Levels.

Laurence posing behind one of the Sand Sculptures at Weston-super-Mare.

and one of the beautiful beaches, the tide goes out for miles.

I have just about finished sorting my craft room, I have a few cards for a magazine commission to make and then I will be able to make a few cards to blog before I start on a commission for Crafter's Companion.

Thank you for popping in today, your company is much appreciated - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. Wonderful holiday photos. The beach is really amazing.
    Have a great day.
    Valerija xx

  2. The pictures are so fabulous!! I looks like such a beautiful place to visit!! The sand sculpture brain is incredible!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Lovely photos Pauline, I have visited Weston SM a few times as my brother lives very near, it's a beautiful place with lots of walks. Look forward to your cards, you must be feeling good in yourself with a "clean and sorted" craft room.
    Faith x

  4. Seems that you are having a fabulous vacation!! Lovely photos!!

  5. wow these are so interesting and the tide goes out so far....lovely photos..xx

  6. Super photos, and what a wonderful beach, Ramsey must have had a great time there, Kate x

  7. Great photo's Pauline, especially like the one where your Son is playing with Ramsey and your other Son is showing Grandma his mobile phone, she looks really interested while I would not understand at all.

    Kath x

  8. Wonderful holiday pictures, sounds you had a great time

  9. It looks as though you have had a wonderful holiday - that sand sculpture is amazing!!

  10. Beautiful photos of your holiday x

  11. How fun! That nature trail is beautiful!

  12. Lovely snaps Pauline and the weather was kind too by the looks of it xx

  13. Beautiful pictures, looks so relaxing by the sea. Nice that your entire family could get away together for some down time.......



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