
Saturday 1 June 2019

Toby sends his love

This is the final Toby Panda card that I created for the May edition of Making Cards Magazine. This card was on the front cover, I think I must like very different cards from everyone else because this is the one that I like the least out of all four that I made.  You can find the others HERE if you would like to take a look.

I used the Toby Panda papers that were emailed to Newsletter subscribers on 17th May. If you are not an email subscriber, sign up now and you will receive a fabulous Succulent collection next month.  All I have added is some black card stock, a stamped Hunkydory sentiment and some ribbon from my stash.

We took Ramsey to Southsea yesterday, he seemed to quite like the sea, perhaps it was because Matthew had a paddle with him - he must have been mad because it was freezing.

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave - they are all read and very much appreciated.



  1. Lovely fun card ...those panda make me smile every time......
    My hasn’t Ramsey grown...looks like you had a fun day xxxxx

  2. Super cute Pauline.

  3. Well if Ramsey is anything like our Milo he'll love water, any chance he gets he takes a dip. Ramsey is getting big, he looks lovely.
    Sweet card, lovely papers too Kate x x

  4. I think he looks slightly perplexed a smashing topper and card

  5. so cute and beautiful and Ramsey has grow fast Pauline he looks great

    gr karin

  6. Great image and a different card, I do like it
    Looking at him padding in the sea made me feel cold, hope they enjoyed themselves.

  7. Lovely card, Pauline, and how cute is Ramsey to the beach! :)

  8. That's such a cute panda and a beautifully designed card. Ramsey is a beautiful pup - sure to bring years of joy to your family.

  9. Ramsey is so adorable!! I love seeing pictures of him!! Your card is so beautiful!! The image makes me smile!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  10. So, he is growing very fast. Your card is awesome, with the cute image,

  11. Awwww such a cute card Pauline - looks like Ramsey had fun at the beach! Shabneez x

  12. Great card with a sweet Panda image Pauline, love the pics of Matthew and Ramsey.

    Pat xx

  13. I love that cute panda Pauline. My word how Ramsey has grown xx

  14. My personal favorites vs what others seem to prefer differ too. I think maybe it’s because my feelings towards a card depend on how much I enjoyed or struggled making it., did I lack or have mojo, etc. And of course, we all like different things. I find your card sweet.

  15. Great photo's.of Ramsey
    Some lovely background papers but it is also not one of my favourites from this collection but to have it on a front cover must be exciting.

    Kath x

  16. Beautiful card, love the papers you have used.
    Hugs, Petra

  17. Lovely card Pauline. Ramsey looks just like MOnte', wondering how old he is. Does he sleep outside and cries all night? We have had Monte' three days now and as we picked him up later, he was with his mum all the time and now sooks so much...oh the joys...thinking I am too old for this all.xx

  18. Wow, a beautiful creation, love the colours and cute image.
    Valerija xx

  19. Great card Pauline - love pictures too! It does indeed look chilly! Hugs rachel xx

  20. Really cute card and it's weird because I can make a card and be really pleased with it and people say oh that's nice or not many comments-then one I put together hurriedly because it's late -I get the most comments on--Weird !Ramsey has really grown and yes it does look freezing
    Carol x

  21. Adorable card and wonderful pictures, Pauline! You are so lucky to live so close to the water. Hugz

  22. AW! I think your card is adorable. ALL of them in this series in fact. Love your photo of Ramsey, our dog loved water if it was freezing LOL.
    Faith x

  23. I think it's a sweet card. I like the odd expression he has on his face. Love Dawn x

  24. Cute panda card Pauline. Ramsey is growing fast!
    Janice x

  25. The Panda card is such fun, and papers are wonderful.
    Pup is growing like a weed. Nice photos of your boy and his dog!



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