
Wednesday 8 May 2019

Portrait Line

Hunkydory are on Create and Craft again today, Anne-Marie will be there at 10 am with the super new Golden Oldies collection.   This is another collection that has something for everyone, a Whopper Topper Pad, Cardstock, a Topper Deck. a Square Little Book and 10 Stamps.

I used one of the toppers and a sentiment from the Whopper Topper Pad to create this card, the topper actually has four small images on it.  I also used some of the Cardstock and some gold Mirri card stock, the little star brads are from my stash.

It is pouring with rain here today so hubby will be dog walking on his own, I'm afraid I'm a fair weather walker!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and thank you for all of the lovely comments that you leave - they are all read and very much appreciated.



  1. Morning Pauline from a very wet Yorkshire...back home from our break at least we had good weather for our stay.
    Loving the card I did catch a few mins of the show on catchup and they are great fun your idea on this card xxxx

  2. It's pouring down here too :-(
    Your card is fab.. love the little pegs to hang the images up

  3. great card Pauline the lay out reminds me of photographs pinned up to dry, love it

  4. Fantastic design, Pauline! Love the hanging up with pegs idea! xx

  5. This is absolutely adorable!! I love the design and the fun images!! So creative and beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. Such fun Pauline, love the images on the pegs gallery.
    Faith x

  7. Cute card with those banner images hanging on clothespins! Simply delightful and fun.

  8. Brilliant......and a fab sentiment too xx

  9. Fabulous fun card love the washing line of images-been heaving it down here non-stop since early hours!!!
    Carol x

  10. What fun images Pauline, super card, Kate x

  11. Lovely and fun card Pauline.

  12. Such fun portrait line! :D It's a brilliant card, so creative!

  13. A brilliant make and some super 'portraits'.
    Rained nearly all day here too.

    Kath x

  14. Was sure I had commented on this one--fabulous card and love the washing line with the pegged on images-rain no-stop here all day yesterday from early hours and still raining today!!!
    Carol x

  15. Too cute! Love the portraits and how you did them on the card. Looks like a fab collection and you used it perfectly. Hugz

  16. Such a brilliant card Pauline. Love the little pegs. Love Dawn x

  17. Lovey fun card Pauline love how you have pegged the images on a line it looks very effective a delight to see
    lorraine x

  18. Brilliant card Pauline, love your washing line of pictures.
    Janice x


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