
Thursday 20 December 2018

The Graduate

My eldest son graduated from Reading University this year - he achieved a first in his Primary Education degree, he also received a first for his dissertation and was marked as outstanding for his school placement, we are very proud of him.

He has almost completed his first term teaching and I have eventually managed to create a layout using a photograph of him just before he handed in his dissertation along with one of the photographs from his graduation ceremony in July.

I decided to print the photographs in black and white, it was so sunny (also very hot) on the day and the photographs are all very bright which made it difficult to find papers to go with them - I'm pleased to say he liked the end result.

Thank you for popping in today, your company is much appreciated - please leave a comment so that I can come and visit you.



  1. I like the results too. Beautiful graduate card.

  2. What a lovely way to commemorate his achievements Pauline

  3. A fantastic page Pauline, you must be very proud of your son and his achievements.

    Sue xx

  4. Wow - something to be proud of for sure (your son and this page). Wonderful layout and page, Pauline. What a wonderful achievement for your son. I know you are proud - I am proud for you too. Many hugz to you both.

  5. I forgot to say that I was thrilled to see a scrapbook page on your post!

  6. Congratulations to your son!! What a beautiful layout!! I love the design and the black and white is fabulous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Fabulous page Pauline and congratulations to your son.The photographs look great in black and white -love the mortarboard
    Carol x

  8. Congratulations to your son, that is a wonderful accomplishment. He will appreciate having this page as he looks back on his graduation.

  9. Congratulations to your son Pauline. Your page will be a wonderful keepsake.

    Hugs Diane

  10. Big congrats to your eldest son !!! :) Your layout for keeping memories of his results is just fabulous!!

  11. What a wonderful LO Pauline, love the Black and white pictures, I saw the coloured ones on FB, you must be very proud of him,

  12. How fab to see a layout and this is gorgeous. Love the black and white pics

  13. The black and white effect looks really great and a lovely background and great photo's. Not surprised you are very proud of him he has done extremely well.

    Kath x

  14. Super layout, Pauline, I love the black and white photos. Congratulations to your son on his fantastic achievement. I'm sure you are a super proud Mum! xx

  15. You must be so proud of your son's achievements! Great layout to treasure through the years too!

  16. A wonderful page to celebrated you son's achievement, no wonder you are so proud of him. i love the black and white photos and your choice of papers, Kate x

  17. A VERY proud Mum has made a GREAT page, bet he loved it. Congratulations and Good Luck in his career.

  18. Congratulations to your son a Pauline. A great layout and page.
    Janice x

  19. A brilliant achievement, no wonder you are very proud Pauline, as you should be of this layout too xx

  20. Super LO Pauline - congrats to you all. A wonderful achievement for your son. Shabneez x

  21. Wow! You must be so proud - I know I would be! He is one smart cookie! Wishing him well deserved congratulations! Your layout is gorgeous, Pauline!

  22. Beautiful card!
    Happy holidays ! 🎄

  23. A proud Mama layout! Wonderful page, and you should be very proud of your son's accomplishments.



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