
Saturday 22 December 2018

Christmas Gift Bags

My eldest son is a Primary School Teacher and I offered to make him some little Christmas gift bags for him to fill for his class this year.

Here they are, all filled and ready to be given out - there are 25 in total.

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  1. Wow, such cute little gift bags!!! You have been so kind to make the for 25 kids!!
    Your son surely is so proud of them! :)

  2. These are super, Pauline, I'm sure the children were thrilled to review them. It brought back memories of my teaching days when I used to make tiny red felt stockings to hang on the tree for the children in my class, which I filled with a little packet of sweets. I embroidered the initial of their first name on each stocking in chain stitch. xx

  3. Beautiful selection of papers and gorgeous gift bags

  4. Wunderschön, liebe Pauline,ich wünsche dir frohe Weihnachten und ein Prosit neu Jahr 2019
    Danke für deine lieben Kommentare.
    ganz liebe Grüsse

  5. Such cute bags, and I love making things like this more than cards!

  6. These are just gorgeous Pauline! Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
    Janice x

  7. These are fabulous gift bags - I'm sure your son's class loved them too.
    Kath x

  8. What a lovely idea and beautiful little gift bags
    Carol x

  9. These are so cute and I love the papers. The kids will love them and be so excited.

  10. Beautiful gift bags for some lucky children.

    Pat xx

  11. Your little bags look just lovely and I'm sure the childern will love receiving them,Kate xx

  12. How pretty your gift/goodie bags are, Pauline! The choices of papers, always, is wonderful and rich, and so are the extra perks! The teacher will be so proud handing these out to the children! Very kind of you. Wishing you a delightful Christmas, Pauline, and may 2019 be very good to you and yours. hugs, de

  13. Very cute Pauline and I bet his class were thrilled to get a gift from "Sir". Merry Christmas to you xx

  14. Lovely little gift bags Pauline. I don't know how you find the time to make so many things! Have a lovely Christmas xx

  15. A wonderful selection of gift bags Pauline - I suspect your son's pupils will be very pleased. Shabneez x

  16. You made some wonderful Christmas gift bags, the papers are so pretty,

  17. OMGoodness, these are so sweet, Pauline! What an awesome Mom you are to do that for the little ones! I can imagine how excited they will be!

  18. What fabulous collection of these super gift bags, bet the class loved them. I have a huge respect for Primary school teachers, they work so very hard.

    Kath x

  19. You're a saint. 25 bags at this time of year! They are lovely but you must be crazy. Have a fabulous Christmas Pauline and thank you for all the inspiration and support you have supplied throughout the year. Love Dawn x

  20. They're so festive and beautiful!! I love the papers you used!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  21. They look amazing Pauline, well done you.

  22. Very nice bags
    Happy holidays ! 🎄

  23. These are wonderful, bet they just loved them. I cut out the supplies for my daughters class to make frames and decorate them for a picture of themselves in front of the tree they decorated in their classroom. They decorated the frames for their parents for Christmas. She teaches Kindergarten.



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