
Sunday 18 September 2016

Vintage Wheels

It's time for a new challenge at CD Sunday and the theme for the next fortnight is Things with Wheels chosen by Carol. Don’t forget to use something from a CD somewhere, however small, in the making of your card or project and give the CD credit.

I have used a decoupage image from my Debbi Moore Designs Nostalgia CD.

The papers are also from the CD, the sentiment tags are from LOTV, the buttons and twine are fom my stash.

Unfortunately you can't see the layers very well but there are quite a few.

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

4 Crafty Chicks Challenge 316 - Twine
Allsorts Challenge 381 -Black & White + one colour
Craftaholics R Us Challenge 1 - Cards For Guys (theme Birthdays)

Make sure you pop over to the CD Sunday Challenge blog and check out the DT Inspiration - we would love for you to join us for our Things with Wheels challenge, just make sure you use something from a CD somewhere, however small, in the making of your card or project and give the CD credit.

Thank you for visiting my blog today, your company is much appreciated.



  1. Wow, a perfect card for men. Great layout and the colour combi is wonderful.

  2. Oooo super, what a great man's card and my other half would love it, Luv Sam x

  3. Striking card and I love the layout especially to little shields in each cute. I hope we get lots of entries again for our challenge at CD Sunday. You've got a task on your hands Pauline sorting out a winner for your last challenge. So many yummy entries! Have fun W x

  4. Great card for men. Love the vintage touch.
    Valerija xx

  5. Awesome masculine card! Love that image and the fun paper!

  6. I love the striking colours you've used Pauline and how it all links together. Picture 2 shows some of the layers - I bet it was fiddly to cut out, something I'm not good at. I have a grown up nephew who is into motorbikes and he would probably know what this one is LOL!
    CD Sunday DT.

  7. This is a fantastic card Pauline, I'm always on the look out for new images of Motorbikes as my son is an enthusiast I also have most of Debbi Moores CD however I do not have this one. Looks like I will have to look at this one.

    Sue xx

  8. WOW fabulous masculine card Pauline brilliant decoupaged image and great papers
    Carol x

  9. Fabulous card Pauline, love the image and your colours, great layering and design, Kate x

  10. Love your cards! This is perfect for a masculine birthday card. Thanks for linking up at Craftaholics R Us!
    ~DT Janis

  11. A great mans card Pauline and I really like your design work. Barbxx

  12. Fabulous male card Pauline, my husband would love it. Hugs Jennifer xx

  13. Hi Pauline,
    you made a fabulous card, love the image and the pretty papers,
    Ans x

  14. Amazing card Pauline love the detail.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  15. You are so very good at Male (sorry ANY theme) cards, another FABULOUS card

  16. A great masculine card Pauline and also perfect for our theme this week at Allsorts, many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  17. Wow, what a fabulous card for someone with a great bike like this beauty. Great color combo too.


  18. Beautiful masculine card, Pauline! I so struggle with these but I can see you don't have any problem at all! Great image!

  19. Gorgeous male card Pauline!
    xoxo Olga

  20. Perfect masculine card, love it!
    Many thanks for joining us at Cute Card Thursday this week!

  21. You're great at making decoupage layered cards as well as cards for men. This is a rather age neutral one, a card I'm sure will come in handy.

  22. Fabulous male card Pauline! Gorgeous image and stunning details.
    Thank you for sharing over at Allsorts;-))m

  23. Awesome girl, your talent is so impressive. That twine looks wonderful, thanks for sharing with us at 4 Crafty Chicks.

    Leanne DT/4CC

  24. Fab creation, thanks for joining Allsorts challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. Your card is stunning, just love the image and design....
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at CraftyCatz last week, you got Top 3, hope you will join us again with our ATG challenge.x

  26. Fabulous card. I like your design and the cute little birthday tags.
    Thank you for sharing your talent with us at Crafty Catz. Sorry about the late coment. Nick

  27. Fabulous card and I love the twine with the little tags.
    Jocelyn x


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