
Friday 22 July 2016

Polkadoodles Give Away

To celebrate joining the Polkadoodles Design Team, Nikky has given us all a Digital Download to give away as Candy.  I have chosen the gorgeous One For You image from the Winnie Fruit Punch Collection, pop over to Polkadoodles and take a look at all of the fabulous collections, digi stamps and papercrafting goodies that are available.

If you would like to win this download this is what you need to do:

You must be or become a follower of my blog with Google Friend Connect
Add the Polkadoodles picture to your sidebar with a link back to my blog
Add your link to the linky

My giveaway will remain open for two weeks until 7:30 am on 22nd July 2016 when I will use RANDOM.ORG to choose a winner.

Thank you for taking part and good luck.



  1. Congratulations Pauline, will enter when I am on the laptop x

  2. Congratulations on joining the DT and thank you for the chance of winning this lovely image.
    Kath x

  3. Congratulations and thank you for another fabulous giveaway and chance to win. I've added the pic to my sidebar.

  4. Pauline this is really lovely - Welcome to the team xx

  5. Congratulations Pauline, that's great news! Thank you for the chance to win, I have added the picture and link to my sidebar.
    Janice x

  6. Thank you for the giveaway, Pauline! Congratulations on your new DT!

  7. Congrats. And thanks for sharing this cute digi. Good luck to everbody. Hugs from SLovenia, K.

  8. Congratulations on your new DT and thank you for another wonderful giveaway.
    Valerija xx

  9. Congratulations Pauline, and thank you for letting us win a fabulous image

  10. The images are cute & irresistible. My daughter would enjoy colouring them.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Could not link up the image. It says the image URL is incorrect.

  13. Thank you so much for this giveaway Pauline!
    xoxo Olga

  14. Congrats Pauline!!
    Thanks so much for this give-away!

  15. Great giveaway Pauline thanks for the chance xx Jan


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