
Sunday 5 June 2016

Magazine Giveaway

I recently had some more cards published in Making Cards magazine - when you contribute to a magazine you are sent a complementary copy and as I am a subscriber I have an unopened copy of the May edition to give away along with the fabulous free CD and papers.

If you would like to win this magazine this is what you need to do:

You must be or become a follower of my blog with Google Friend Connect
Add the magazine picture to your sidebar with a link back to my blog
Add your link to the linky

I will post worldwide

My giveaway will remain open for two weeks until 7am on 5th June 2016 when I will use RANDOM.ORG to choose a winner.

Thank you for taking part and good luck.



  1. A very generous giveaway, but I won't be joining in this time as I've already bought this magazine. Incidentally, do you know if there is a list of all the papers and toppers on the CD?
    Kath x

  2. Thanks for the chance, the pic is now in my sidebar

  3. I've been loving the cards you've shared that you made with this CD

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love card magazines but rarely splurge on them! Congratulations on being published!

  5. Congrats on having your cards published! That's exciting! I don't have a blog, but I entered above! I hope I am still eligible to win the magazine! I'd love to have a look at it!

  6. Thanks for the chance to win Pauline, congratulations on having all your cards published.
    Lorraine x

  7. Have posted this on my sidebar, thanks for the chance, as it is fifficult to get good cardmaking magazines here

  8. Thank you for the chance Pauline
    Dianne xx :)

  9. great news for you!
    congratlations o be published!
    and thank you for chance!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  10. Pauline Herzlichen Dank für diese Gelegenheit zu gewinnen, Wollte einige Schriften bestellen aber es geht nicht mit dem Bezahlen
    glg Gertrude

  11. This must be loaded with inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to win Pauline.

  12. Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for inviting me.
    Hugs, Valerija

  13. So much inspiration to win! Thanks Pauline.
    Lia xx

  14. Wonderful to have your cards published Pauline. Thanks for the chance of winning this great magazine.

  15. Thanks so much for the chance to win that wonderful magazine! And congratulations on being published too!

  16. A fab mag to be able to win, thanks Pauline.xx

  17. Great magazine to win, thanks for giving us the opportunity

  18. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway and Congratulations on being published, your cards are amazing.

  19. Hello there, Pauline! I'm so happy to be back in blogland! Thank you for your kind words on my blog! I would love to win your magazine! Thank you so much for the chance! I'll go add it to my sidebar now! Have a great weekend!


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