
Thursday 20 March 2014


Is anyone else getting dozens of comments from 'Anonymous' lately or is it just me?

Over the past month I have been receiving up to 50 each day. They are all on very old posts and just make some ridiculous comment about the quality (or not) of my post, they then supply a link to their blog which is ALWAYS something that is totally irrelevant to the content of my blog and obviously of no interest to me.

I do have comment moderation enabled so these comments are never published and I know that I can block them, but by doing so I risk blocking some people who are actually interested in looking at my posts and leaving relevant comments and I don't really want to do that.

So if  'Anonymous' is reading this, which I very much doubt, because I don't think you actually bother to read anything - I will never publish your ridiculous comments and I most certainly will not be following the links to your blog as I have no interest in:

premature ejaculation causing infertility
clash of clan cheats
holiday's in Bali
pure garcinia cambogia en espanol
natural raspberry ketone supplement

or any of the other rubbish that you keep leaving links to, even if I did I would not look to source anything from comments left by 'Anonymous' on my blog!

Please stop wasting both your time and mine.



  1. Hi Pauline, these people really are a nuisance trying to get free advertising from our blogs. I've stopped allowing anonymous comments as I've not got enough hours in the day to read all this junk mail. Figure that most genuine people are bloggers or some other that allows them to leave a message, if not they can always contact by email xx

  2. Hi Pauline I used to be like you and get loads daily but then I blocked anonymous comments and I don't get any now - lovely! Susan x

  3. What a nuisance Pauline, l just get the odd one from time to time and l just delete them x Susan x

  4. I do what Susan does, go to your set up and block anonymous comments....hope this will help as I have only once got a comment which I saw on others in regard to promoting blogs and they have become a follower but after ignoring this I haven't had any....just block them..if they can't say who they are they are only putting rubbish on your

  5. I get them every now and then they seem to come in phases Ill get loads for a few days then none for a while then they come again like you I just delete them as all theyu are are spam but a total pain in the nether region!!!
    Jacki x

  6. OOO What a crazy person who is doing this, such a shame. Sometimes me too get some "strange" comment, I just delete them and since it's been only a few times I did not take any action. I know from some other bloggers they recieve them as well so for what is worth, you're not the only one. Good luck with this, hope it will be over soon.
    Hugs from the Netherlands, liefs Hanny♥

  7. I Think we all get them.. I have 1415 in my spam comments for march alone. Blogger is pretty good at catching them and they just get sent to spam. I agree most of them are ridiculous and promote things with inappropriate content. Stupid people!!

  8. Pauline I had to remove a post I had last year due to the 40 Anonymous post it had collected all rubbish like yours.
    Will go see what I can do to stop it.
    Sue x

  9. hope you get less of these annoying replies soon. i just delete any I receive.

  10. You're not alone Pauline as you know from the above. I've had them too, but not to the extent that either you or some of your readers have, so I've just flagged them as spam, and then deleted them from my spam folder. They tended to come from specific posts (perhaps due to the combination of words I'd used in a post) and I guess it's also an automatic thing rather than a person, as they'd realise we have comment moderation enabled and wouldn't publish their comment!!!!!!!!
    Still makes it a pain in the proverbial though!
    Helen x

  11. I haven't blocked any or added comment modification, this problem seemed to more or less disappear once I changed supplier for virus programs? I don't know if that's the connection, but it sure looks like it... Let me know if you want more info.

  12. I had the same flood of nonsense come my way so I changed the settings on who can comment on my blog so that Anonymous user cannot comment. That took care of the problem.

    Snoopy :D

  13. I had this too Pauline until I blocked anonymous certainly helped enormously. Carol x

  14. I got one today as it happens but I just delete them without opening.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  15. I have this same problem Pauline, I just delete them. Anet

  16. Hi Pauline, I had to stop allowing Anonymous comments because I was getting so many of them and many were rude and vulgar. Drove me crazy! There is a setting in Blogger where you can stop all comments on older posts which was where many of these SPAM comments were being made on my blog too so maybe give that a try (?). It's soooo annoying isn't it?

    Jocelyn x

  17. Well said Pauline, hope it gets sorted out for you.

    I have to say I have never had any and hopefully I wont but if you have to block for a while I am sure people would understand.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  18. Yes I am having the same trouble Pauline, it's nuisance I am getting really cheesed of with them.

    Hugs Julie xxx

  19. Oh yes, I'm all too familiar with those, too, Pauline. You know what I did, I just turned off 'anonymous comments', problem solved! Anyone wishing to leave a comment has to have a Google account now ;-) GOod luck! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  20. Hi Pauline my 2penny worth I changed my settings to only allow peeps signed into google accs. BUT the spammers even make up a blog nothing there when you look at them so they can still leave a comm. as they are signed into a blog..sigh! sorry not much help from me as I think most bloggers do get them from time to time..I do have Norton antivirus a good one but if spammers are signed in etc..not much you can do unless someone else knows diff...

    smiles Christine x

  21. I get these too, if you figure out how to stop them let me know! My blog stops them from posting but they blow up my email! Hugz!


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