
Sunday 20 October 2013

Candy Time

I though it was about time I offered all of my fabulous friends and followers a little candy to say thank you for visiting me and leaving such lovely comments.

It's a bit of an eclectic mix so hopefully there will be something to please everyone.

To enter my candy:

You must be or become a follower
Add my candy picture to your sidebar with a link back to my blog
Add your link to the linky

I will post world-wide

My candy will remain open for three weeks until 9am on 20th October.


  1. Ooooh I'm first Pauline! Don't know if that's good or not! Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous candy! Susan x

  2. What a great mix of goodies. It's so sweet of you to offer this candy to one lucky person! Picture with a link to this post is now on my sidebar. Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. This is a wonderful way to say 'thank you' to you too for always demonstrating awesome cards so full of inspiration. I am honoured to put my name down...also have put on my side bar. luv aNNIe xxx

  4. What super candy Pauline, such a fabulous mix of goodies. Thanks so much for the chance to win. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx

  5. Awww THANK YOU Pauline for the chance to win this scrummy candy.
    It's always a pleasure to come and visit and see your beautiful work.
    Have popped a piccie on my sidebar.
    Debs xx

  6. Wow Pauline fantastic !! candy thank you for the chance of to pop it on my blog now
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  7. This is such a fabulous candy Pauline. Thanks for the chance. I am your new follower.

  8. Thanks for the chance of winning your generous candy x

    hugs sally x

  9. great candy pauline - thanks for the chance xx

  10. Hiya Pauline, many thanks for the link to your candy. I've become a follower and look forward to seeing all your gorgeous creations. xx

  11. Gorgeous candy, I become a follower, I would love it if you would follow me. Marlene

  12. Hi Pauline! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and for inviting me to join in your fab candy giveaway! I will pop it on my sidebar!
    Hugs, Hazel xx

  13. Thanks for the comment on my card that is posted on your DT page. I have posted your blog candy on my blog and am a follower. Great group of blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. Gorgeous candy Pauline. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. What fabulous candy Pauline. Thank you for the chance to win - I'm off to put you in my sidebar now!
    Lorraine x

  16. Hi Pauline. You do such great work. So happy to have you as our special Guest Designer over at House-Mouse & Friends MC! What yummy variety candy you have for offering your friends and followers. :)

  17. Thank you for the chance to win such yumminess Pauline! x

  18. Gorgeous candy Pauline ... thanks for the chance to win :)

  19. Hello, Pauline - I am your newest follower. I just discovered your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing all your creations.

    Thank you so much for offering this candy - it all looks wonderful! I am a new blogger - just started my blog in June so I'm slowly discovering blogs that I want to follow. I'm not that great on commenting but I'm trying to find more time for it. I love the inspiration from other bloggers.

    I put your candy on my right-hand sidebar - enjoy your day!

  20. Hi Pailine

    thank you for your nice comment on my card for Bearly Mine and make a comment for your candy. I would like to join for this wonderfull candy and put your link in my sidebar and became a follower. Ofcourse I visited your blog to take a look at your creations. Wow, your colouring is fabulous, I can lean something here!
    Hugs from the Netherlands, Hanny♥

  21. That's an awesome collection of goodies you're giving away! I have my fingers crossed.
    I’m a follower and I have added your candy in my sidebar-
    Thanks for the chance!

  22. What fabulous candy...thank you for the chance to win.
    I just realized that you are not dropping into my reader...i will chek what is available and sign to follow you again.
    Missed your pretty cards!

  23. Your blog is so lovely. Thanks for the reminder about the candy and to look at your blog.
    I linked it up to mine and became a follower.
    xxx Michelle

  24. Lovely selection of goodies Pauline, thanks for the chance to win. Carol x

  25. Fantastic goodies... you are so generous Pauline...Thank you for the chance to win.... Hugs May x x x x

  26. Thanks you for this fab candy Pauline! I bet the lucky winner will love it! Of course I want to use my chance too ;o) xx Bianca

  27. Super candy Pauline, thank you for the chance to win your fabulous candy.

  28. Great candy!! Thanks for a chance to win!
    Your new follower
    Ayushi :)

  29. I'm a new follower Pauline. Thanks for the chance to win this :-)

  30. Pauline your blog and cards are beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win your very generous candy.

    Keeley x x x

  31. hi Pauline, I am your newest follower, I hope you can follow me too (
    thanks for the chance to win your candy!

  32. Pauline this is ever so sweet of you and thanks for the chance to win...looks very yummy!!

    Added it to my sidebar for you...
    hugs and xxx

  33. What a super selection of goodies! Thank you for the chance to win them. Michelle x

  34. What a generous and fun collection of candy Pauline!!

  35. Hello Pauline.
    I am your new follower.
    Your work is amazing .
    I really enjoy schrolling down to see.
    Thanks also for the chance to win the candy.It's on my sidebar.
    I hope you have a little time to visit my blog.
    Gr Elly

  36. How very very sweet of you Pauline to give away this fab candy, whoever might win your generous goodies will be thrilled! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  37. Thank you for the chance at your lovely goodies! I am a new follower!! HUGS :)

  38. Awesome candy, I've become a follower, and I would love it, if you wish, to visit my blog and join my candy & follow me! ♥

  39. Thanks for the chance to win this fabby candy
    Lindsay xx

  40. I'm your newest follower.. thanks for the chance at this awesome candy.. have posted the pic on my sidebar...
    Moxie Craftie

  41. fabulous candy Pauline :-) I will be keeping my fingers crossed :-)

    Lols x x x

  42. Thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy and for some great inspiration I enjoy visiting!! Love Jacky x

  43. Hallo Pauline,
    bin durch Zufall auf ihre Seite gestoßen und bin ja total begeistert von deinen Werken,eins schöner als das Andere und ihre Süssigkeit ist ja der Hammer,Danke für die Chance bei dir was zu gewinnen,habe mich als Verfolger eingeschrieben und deine Süssigkeit auf meine Sidebar verlinkt,es würde mich freuen wenn du mal bei mir vorbei schaust,ich werden es bei dir jetzt öfter machen,
    ganz liebe Grüße ulrike

  44. Such a wonderful candy Pauline, I won't say no to that ;)

  45. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy Pauline.

  46. Pauline Danke für das Candy, möchte doch glatt mitmachen, einen tollen Blog hast du
    lg gertrude

  47. Thanks for a chance to win such great candy Pauline! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  48. fab goodies Pauline thanks so much for the opportunity ,good luck ladies ...Hugs Andrea X

  49. Such glorious goodies! Thanks so much for the chance to win and for your sweet comments on my blog.

    Snoopy :D

  50. I love finding new blogs to follow and your candy is just a bonus thankyou.

  51. Hi Pauline - just popped over from Kate's blog (Downrightcrafty). Have become a follower and posted your candy on my side bar and also on Facebook. Brilliantly generous stash of candy that you're offering to some lucky person.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Karen x

  52. Such a great candy, my dear. Thank you for the chance to win. You are in my sidebar.

  53. Hi Pauline this is fabulous Candy. I feel a bit cheeky entering as I haven't been around for a few weeks. I totally lost my mojo but hoping it is back now. I am just of to see what you have been up to while i was away.

    Joan x

  54. Amazing candy Pauline.Thank you so much for the chance to win.Hugs Debbie x

  55. Great blog. I am your newest follower. I put your candy on my right-hand sidebar. Gettings. Have a nice day :)

  56. I'm your newest follower :) lovely blog and great work...thanks for offering the candy...would love to be the lucky one to win from you:)
    love of love

  57. Hallo Pauline, bin soeben Verfolger Nr.305 geworden und habe Deinen wunderschönen Blog gleich in meiner Sidbar verlinkt! Ein so wahnsinnscooles Candy bietest Du uns an, da möchte ich doch gern in Deinen Lostopf! Dankeschön!
    Herzliche Samstagsgrüße schickt Dir die Eva

  58. Wonderful candy Pauline - thank you for the chance to win such a lovely selection of goodies hugs Judith x


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