
Tuesday 2 April 2013

Can Anyone Help Please

Ever since Hotmail decided to change itself to Outlook I have been having problems with the comments on my blog.  I have comment moderation set but I'm not receiving email's for all of the comments that have been left - I get some but not others.

I was beginning to think that I had done something to offend everyone because I wasn't receiving many comments, but when I went to investigate they were all sitting there 'Awaiting moderation' although I had not received any email notifications - has any one else had this problem, if so did they manage to resolve it!



  1. I've noticed my emails are taking a while to come through, but I don't usually check my hotmail so often as I do the 'awaiting moderation' page xx

  2. Hope you get this Pauline, sorry I am not able to help though, however I notice when I have been leaving you comments it takes a while for the 'typing' to catch up.
    Hope you can sort it soon
    Christine xx

  3. I don't use hotmail or comment moderation but if you go to the overview of your blog and click on comments you can see the comments awaiting moderation.

  4. I don't use Hotmail either, but I am sure if you go into the comments section you will be able to sort out the comment moderation. Hope you get it sorted soon. Hugs, Claire x

  5. No problems my end Pauline, I have gmail....luv anniexx

  6. I don't recieve emails notifying me of comments any more well just the ocassional one, I Have to check the post and view the comments there

  7. Hi Pauline... I'm not sure what the problem is... but sounds like it is settings in Outlook... have you checked Settings, Filter and Reporting in Outlook... mine is set to Standard... it might be that yours is set to Exclusive in which case it won't let anything through unless they are in your address book?

    I absolutely loathe the new Outlook.... I am seriously thinking of changing to something else but then I will have to notify SO many people of my new address and it will be a real pain ....

    but this new Outlook keeps freezing and my daughter said the same... it takes ages for the emails to load...

    it looks so cheap and nasty too - but that wouldn't be so bad if it actually worked properly!! LOL

    Hope you get your problems sorted !
    Hugs Sue xx

  8. I don't use hotmail so I can't help. I hope you are able to get it figured out.


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