
Tuesday 26 June 2012


Good morning, I hope everyone is well and enjoying the new week. We have a new challenge for you at Bearly Mine Designs, this time it's everyone's favourite 'Anything Goes'. This is my card featuring the fab Saturated Canary image 'Bubbles'.

We are sponsored this week by the talented Krista from Saturated Canary

I love these images but I rarely use them because I find the hair a bit daunting.  I started following the sketch over at CLP but stopped half way through because I just couldn't make it work for me.  The papers are both from one of the Bearly Mine Designs Designer Extreme CD's, I'm sorry I don't know which one because I just loaded them all onto my laptop and grouped them by colour.

I punched the edges of the centre panel with my FrisKars edge punch, attached two LOTV sentiment tags with a small white flower brad and glazed the bubbles.  The only other embellishment is a small glittered flower with a gem in the centre - I spent about and hour trying to find some other embellishments, but nothing seemed to look right, so I just kept it simple.

I have decorated the inside of my card to complement the front:

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Crafty Catz Challenge 138 - Pastel Colours
Fairy Tale Challenge 44 - Pastel/soft colour tones
Di's Digi Designs - Spots and Dots
One Stitch at a Time Challenge 119 - Summer Dresses
Bunny Zoe's Monthly Challenge 25 - Girls, Girls, Girls
Alota Rubber Stamps Colour Challenge 85 - Blue + 1
Sentimental Sundays Challenge 108 - Cute and Girly
Paper Playtime Challenge 77 - Say it with Sentiments - Anything Goes
Love to Create Challenge 21 - Anything Goes
Tammy's Scrapin' Corner Challenge 16 - Anything Goes Any Artist

Make sure you visit the Bearly Mine Challenge Blog to take a look at the DT inspiration and join in with this weeks challenge.

Thank you for visiting today, please come back soon.



  1. This is a lovely card Pauline, I love the colour tones and the punched edge is really pretty.

    Jo x

  2. I know what you mean about the hair being daunting but you've achieved a wonderful shine to it - definitely worthy of a Loreal advert! Really pretty papers as always - you have an eye for perfect card coordination!

  3. Just stunning Pauline - loving those papers!! xx

  4. Hi Pauline, what a gorgeous card, I love your colour choice and your beautiful card design. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  5. Hi Pauline
    This is a fabulous project. I love the colours you have used and the colour choices.

  6. stunning card Pauline, the image is so lovely and you have coloured her beautifully
    Hugs Sue

  7. stunning card Pauline - really pretty - love the bubbles! Hugs rachel xx

  8. Very Sweet card. I love the shading and the image is great.
    Thanks for Entering the Challenge
    At Tammy's Scrapin Corner.
    I hope to see you enter next week!!
    Hugs Owner Tammy Ortiz

  9. Lovely card. I think the hair turned out wonderfully. I'm working on learning to color curly hair and having a heck of a time with it. Thanks so much for joining us at Crafty Catz this week.

  10. Hi Pauline, this is fabulous. Love the SC image and BM papers. Super colour choice xx

  11. This is beautiful Pauline. I am going to be looking for that paper, it is gorgeous! Love the colours you have used to colour her! Wow.

  12. This is gorgeous Pauline, love your design and the colours. You've done a great job with her hair but I know what you mean about being daunting! Carol x

  13. Aww this is gorgeous Pauline! what a sweet image and you've coloured her beautifully - her hair looks fab!! I love the scrummy papers and the way you've done the borders - it's a stunning card!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  14. Lovely card, love your boarder detail, thanks for playing along with CRAFTY CATZ x carol

  15. NICE!

    Thanks for playing along with us @ Alota Rubber Stamps!


  16. Hi Pauline
    A gorgeous and beautiful card,love the image and fabulous colour's thankyou for joining us this week at CraftyCatz
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  17. What a gorgeous card.
    Thank you for joining us at Fairy Tale Challenge!

    Dany xx

  18. This is beautiful Pauline! I love the colours you have used! Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Create x

  19. Just Beautiful!!! Thank you so much for playing with us this week at Love to Create Anything Goes Challenge!! Please Come back & play with us again really soon!!

    Many Blessings,

  20. Gorgeous card Pauline :)
    Thanks for joining us for Di's Digi Challenge & Good Luck!

  21. Oh my word Pauline this looks amazing I totally love your choice of papers and colours, also that image, stunning card.
    Lorraine x

  22. Lovely card with great colors,thanks for joining us at love to create this week

  23. Love the softness of this card. You did a great job. Thanks for joining us at Sentimental Sundays.

  24. So beautiful, Perfect saturations! Thank you for sharing with us over at Love to Create Challenges.
    ~Amanda LTCDT

  25. Your card is so very cute! That fits perfectly for our soft colour tones challenge at Fairy Tale. Thank you for joining us! xx Bianca

  26. Really cute... I love the image you've used on your card! Spot on for our Spots & Dots challenge at Di's Digi Designs Challenge! Shelly x

  27. Aww this is lovely :-) Thank you so much for joining us at One Stitch at A Time this week, hope to see you again soon! Elaine DT -xxx- p.s I have candy if you would like to pop over and enter, find it in my sidebar! :-)

  28. What a beautiful card. I love it.
    Thanks for joining us at the Fairy Tale Challenge.
    xx Sandra


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