
Wednesday 30 May 2012

All Our Yesterdays

It's time for a new challenge over at Crafting for all Seasons and this time the theme is - Many Layers.  I also need to announce the winner of my blog candy, thank you to everyone who joined in the fun, the randomly drawn winner from the comments left on my blog was:

Now back to this weeks challenge, we have two fab sponsors this week:


Well, 'Many Layers' means only one thing to me - DECOUPAGE - so I decided to use some of my Joanna Sheen's Faye Whitaker 'All Our Yesterdays' Decoupage for this challenge and I followed the sketch at retro sketches - my card is very different in style from the DT cards and all the other entries, but I think I will still give it a go.

The papers are a free download from Crafter's Companion, I have my great team mate Helen, aka Crafty Mama Mia, from The Crafty Pad DT to thank for reminding me about these.  I don't know about you, but I always download freebies and then promptly forget that they exist!  The card stock is Core'dinations and the sentiment is a Studio Light stamp.  I used a spellbinders die to cut the little scalloped edges on the sentiment and the border and the raffia is from my stash.

This is the inside of my card:

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

Joanna Sheen Challenge - Remember when....?
One Stitch at a Time Challenge 115 - Red, White and Blue
Craft Your Days Away Challenge 46 - Red, White and Blue
Tuesday Throwdown Challenge 100 - Masculine
Creative Card Crew Challenge 11 - Dimension
Creative Craft Challenge - Red, White and Blue
Digital Tuesday Challenge 162 - Just for laughs
The Crazy Challenge 121 - Childhood Memories
My Mum's Craft Shop Challenge 59 - Red, White and Blue
RetroSketches Challenge 13 - Sketch

Make sure you pop over to the Crafting for all Seasons Challenge Blog and check out the DT inspiration, we would love for you to join us for our 'Many Layers' challenge.

That's it from me for today, I hope to see you again soon.



  1. That's a fab card Pauline. Love the image and the papers are just the ticket too.

    Edna x

  2. Hi Pauline - it was a pleasure to remind you of the papers hon!!! They look fab on this card. I love the decoupaged image and all the layers too! Helen x

  3. It's a great card Pauline, that image always makes me smile. Love the papers too.

    Jo x

  4. What a great patriotic card! And decoupage works splendidly as a many layers creation.

  5. Hi Pauline, your card is great and perfect for the challenge over at OSAAT - thanks for joining us and good luck. Hazel x

  6. Love this Pauline, the decoupage and papers look fabulous. Carol x

  7. This is just gorgeous ,great the

  8. Such a beautiful card. The decoupage is gorgeous, I love those Faye Whittaker images in fact have just made a card using one myself.
    All the best

  9. Hi Pauline this is really gorgeous the image and the background paper look super.
    Lorraine x

  10. What a cheeky image - how adorable! Fab card Pauline love the nautical feel to it hugs Susan x

  11. Fabulous card. Love your decoupage.
    Thanks for joining Craft Your Days Away.
    Hugs Berit

  12. This is awesome sweetie. I am more forgetful then you, I have been forgetting to download the freebies from Crafter's Companion lately. Lol!!! Thank you so much for joining us this fortnight at Craft Your Day's Away and good luck.


  13. What a great image! I love the dimensional effect on this card! So glad you played in this week's RetroSketches challenge!

  14. I love the image. It definitely put a smile to my face :) Thanks for joining us at Digital Tuesday Challenge.

    Maya xx

  15. What a fab card, love that gorgeous little image and your LO, Thanks for joining our challenge at Craft your days away, hope to see you again soon, Gaynor DT xx

  16. Wow this is gorgeous Pauline - I love the image and the decoupage looks wonderful - it really pops !! Love the scrummy papers!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  17. Oh how adorable is this Pauline -I just love it thanks for playing along at CCC hugs Judith x

  18. What a sweet card! Love that flag stays in the background so well. Really stunning. Thanks for joining us at OSAAT this week! Best, CG

  19. Awww....this is so sweet and love those backing papers.
    Thanks for joining us at MMCS Challenge this week.
    Diane xx

  20. I love this card. It is so creative. That little guy is so cute and the coloring is awesome. Thanks for joining us at OSAAT, and hope to see you back.

  21. just wanted to say what a beautiful card, just lovely love craft-mad-manning :)

  22. This is fabulous card Pauline! So nice and such fab colors.

  23. I love this decoupage set :) Fabulous image, great colours, layout and design - this is a gorgeous card! :) Love the union jack details too!

    Thanks so much for joining us at the Joanna Sheen Challenge,



  24. What a fun image. Love the papers you have used and can't believe they were freebies! I'm like you, I download freebies and then they are never looked at again. I really should just download them and then use them but there's so many out there and I might just need them one day LOL.
    Thanks so much for joining us at Digital Tuesday this week.
    Lora x

  25. This is a fantastic card I just love everything about it

    Joan x

  26. Ah yes, my PC is chockablock with forgotten-about-freebie-downloads!!!
    Thanks so much for joining in at Creative Craft Challenges xx


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