
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Exciting News!

I am so excited today because now I can share my brilliant news - I have been invited by Donna to join the wonderful design team at the Bearly Mine Challenge and everyone has made me feel so welcome.

I love the gorgeous digital papers and CD's available from the Bearly Mine Designs shop and have enjoyed working with them for some time now, so to be part of the DT is like a dream come true.

I will be joining Team A and my first creation as part of the team will be for the challenge on 1st May.  The new challenge today is ‘Baby Days’ so pop over to the Bearly Mine Challenge blog and have a look at the DT Inspiration and join in.

Donna will be releasing a new range of papers on Friday called  'Patchwork Party', they are so pretty:

So make sure you pop over the the shop on Friday and take a look.

Thank you for visiting today and sharing in my good news, I hope to see you again soon.



  1. Many congratulations Pauline. I am looking forward to working with you as part of this fabulous DT team

  2. Big congratulations Pauline very well deserved and I will look forward to seeing your creations for the team x

  3. Congratulations Pauline, you will be a real credit to them. I always enjoy my visits to your blog to see your beautiful crafty creations.

    Jo x

  4. Congratulations Pauline, it's well deserved. Carol x

  5. This is fabulous news hun and well deserved too. Cannot wait to see your gorgeous creations. Hugs, Claire x

  6. wow congratulations, can't wait to see your designs :) x


  7. Ooh Big Congratulations Pauline!! a well deserved place - I'm so excited for you - I love the Bearly Mine papers etc. - can't wait to see all your wonderful creations for them!! :-))
    Big Hugs!
    Sue xx

  8. Congratulations Pauline! judit x

  9. Congratulations & enjoy

    Happy Crafting
    Carole xXx

  10. Well done on your DT post Pauline well deserved , ooooh what are you going to make I wonder ??? see you soon Hugs Elaine

  11. Congrats on your latest DT position Pauline, they are lucky to have you! I used to work with Marie, one of the Bearly Mine DT when I was on the For Fun Challenges DT...Please send her my best when you 'speak' to her next!

    Hugs, Ali x

  12. Hi Pauline!
    Sorry for this late comment but I would love to send you a big welcome hug in our big and awesome Bearly Mine DT. I am looking forward for your new projects and our team work.

    Hugs, Natascha

  13. Congratulations - very well deserved. I love the new paper too. Gonna have to check that out!!


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