
Thursday 8 March 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I’m back again, this will be my third post today, that must be a record!   I have just received an unexpected honour, one of my DT friends - Jill from and another blog friend Clairebears from Clairebears World, have awarded me the Liebster Blog Award,  how exciting is that.

Many thanks Jill and Clairebears, the award is very much appreciated and I will display the badge on my blog with pride.

The idea of the Liebster blog award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs to help spread knowledge and readership.  "Liebster" in German means "favourite",  so to carry on the tradition, I am going to pass the award on to 5 people who's blogs have inspired me and who are very supportive to others in the crafting community.

To accept the award this is what you must do:
  • Link back to the person who gave the award to you and thank them for thinking of you
  • Post the award on your blog
  • Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value
  • Leave a comment on the blogs of your 5 chosen bloggers to let them know·      

Here are my five:

I will be so pleased if you all feel that you can accept the award but if you don't wish to then that's fine as well.

Many thanks for stopping by today.



  1. Aww thanks Pauline - that is really kind of you!
    Big Hugs!
    Sue xx

  2. Thank you very much for thinking of me Pauline, that's very kind and I appreciate it very much.

    Jo x


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